We put the wild in Wild Florida at our Gator and Wildlife Park. Get up close and personal with more than 200 animals in the Middle of Nowhere! Take your time exploring the interesting habitats and heritage of our animals. Talk to our experts about what it’s like to care for these amazing animals and how our population of lemurs, zebra, watusi, bobcat, sloth, and other exotic animals has grown over the past year. There’s something for every member of your family at our Gator and Wildlife Park. Kids will love feeding and learning more about baby animals in our Petting Zoo. Moms and Dads can rest easy knowing that there is a covered playground for kids to run around when they need to let off some energy. Grandma, Grandpa, and the whole extended family will love exploring our Hawk Swamp where owls often roost in the coolness of the cypress tree-canopied boardwalk. Admission to the Gator and Wildlife Park is free with the purchase of an Airboat Tour, but the Gator and Wildlife Park admission can be purchased separately if you want to spend as much time as you can exploring the animals up close. A visit to Florida would not be complete without a #GatorHug! You can see and hold one of our gators during our Gator Handling Show. We also offer interactive programs ranging from becoming an animal keeper for a day to taking a #slothie (a selfie with a sloth, of course!). Whether you are a visitor from across the globe or you live in our neighborhood, you owe it to yourself to experience the Wild side of Florida at our Gator and Wildlife Park.
Recorra el perímetro de la hermosa reserva natural y conozca la fabulosa naturaleza que posee Florida. En el Parque Gator and Wildlife hay unos 200 animales en exhibición, incluyendo cebras, perezosos, lémures, linces y otras especies exóticas. Disponible sin cita previa la visita del aviario con patos, loros y otras aves de todo el mundo. Los hidrodeslizadores utilizados durante este tour están diseñados especialmente para no dañar esta reserva ecológica, están aprobados por la Guardia Costera de los Estados Unidos. La seguridad es uno de los principales puntos a tener en cuenta, por eso en los hidrodeslizadores proporcionan a los clientes chalecos salvavidas y protección auditiva. ¡No olvides la deliciosa barbacoa con costillas ahumadas, pollo cerdo desmenuzado, cocodrilo frito e incluso patas de rana!
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Catégorie:Trousse à Cosmétiques,Trousse de Toilette,Sacoches Trousses,Organisateur de voyage; Activité:Usage quotidien,Voyage,Camping; Fonction Première:Camping Randonnée,Portable,Usage quotidien; Matériau:PVC; Dimensions:162311; Tranche d'Age:Adultes,Adolescent; Fonction:Pliant,Durable,Grande Capacité,Rangement de Voyage,Rectangulaire,Etanche; date d'inscription:01/18/2019