Siam Park is Tenerife’s Thai-themed water kingdom and is one of the best water parks in the world. Here you will find a wonderful range of wild wet adventures for all of the family. For adrenalin seekers there is the Tower of Power, Mekong Rapids, Kinaree, the Volcano, the Wave Palace or experience zero gravity on the mighty Dragon. For relaxation you can lie on a sun-bed beneath palm trees on the beautiful white sandy Siam Beach or float down the Lazy River. Lost City has its own baby zone, perfect for the little ones with lots of fun features like water guns, fountains, waterfalls, bridges, nets and mini slides. Loro Park Foundation is proud to be home to the world’s largest reserve of parrots and protects of some of the most endangered parrot species in the world. In fact conservation is extremely important to us and each year we breed over a thousand parrots.You’ll also be surprised and delighted by the ingenuity and talent of our humorous and entertaining parrots who at Loro Parque even star in their very own show. This was first show that saw the light at Loro Park. Enjoy the majestic flight of these parrots at a very close sight.
As a Dolphin Encounter participant or an Observer you’ll receive complimentary admission to all Miami Seaquarium shows and exhibits for that day Exhibits Shark Channel - When Miami Seaquarium® first opened in 1955, one of the main attractions was the Shark Channel. Today, guests are still entranced by these fearsome creatures. At the Shark Presentation, animal care specialists feed 200-pound sharks while explaining the various species of shark that exist worldwide. Tropical Reef - A favorite among park visitors, the Main Reef Aquarium features a 750,000-gallon saltwater aquarium teeming with reef fishes of every size, color and description. During the Reef Presentation, a diver accompanied by a group of Sea Trekers slowly work their way around the aquarium allowing visitors to watch as he/she hand-feeds the colorful tropical fish, large groupers, cobia, stingrays and moray eels. This presentation is accompanied by an informational narration. Manatees - At the Manatee Exhibit, guests come face-to-face with Florida's state marine mammal through poolside and underwater viewing areas. The Manatee Presentation provides an opportunity to learn about this fascinating and federally endangered animal and, more importantly, explains ways that guests can help save these gentle creatures of the sea. The manatees featured are part of the rescue and rehabilitation program at Miami Seaquarium®. Seal & Sea Lion - The Seal & Sea Lion Feeder Pool is adjacent to the The Golden Dome, a Miami landmark designed by architect Buckminster Fuller. Throughout the day, guests may enjoy the Seal and Sea Lion Exhibit, where they can observe Sea Lions and Seals as they frolic in the South Florida sun. Daily feeding sessions provide the opportunity for guests to feed some of these playful and boisterous mammals. Discovery Bay - View sea turtles, Florida birds and other wild-life in a natural mangrove forest environment. Explore our sea turtle exhibit to learn more about the 5 endangered sea turtle species that live in Florida waters. The sea turtles featured are part of the rescue and rehabilitation program at Miami Seaquarium®. Tropical Wings - View a variety of tropical birds, including Cockatiels, Macaws, Flamingos and our resident peacock, Peeps. Listen carefully and one of our parrots may just greet you with a subtle “hello.” Our animal keepers are on hand to answer any questions you may have and tell you more about the birds we have on exhibit. Tropical Wings is also home to our Stingray Touch Pool. Tropical Fish Aquariums - Explore the stunning variety of tropical marine life that inhabits the aquariums lining the walls of the Top Deck Dolphin area. These aquariums feature an array of interesting fish species with unique characteristics. Explore a number of ocean creatures from Florida Lobsters that live in local reefs to the invasive Red Lion Fish which was recently discovered in Caribbean waters but are originally from the Pacific and Indian oceans. Crocodile Flats - Crocodylus niloticus, also known as Nile Crocodiles, are the center of attention in their home at Discovery Bay's Upper Island, known as Crocodile Flats. This exhibit is made up of 32 tons of rock, 72 tons of beach sand, coconut and sable palm trees. The crocodiles are 6 ½ to 8 feet long and when fully grown can reach a size of 16 feet and nearly 1,000 pounds. Their main diet consists of chicken, fish, and rabbit. Stingray Exhibit - Meet the newest creatures to call Miami Seaquarium® their home - Southern and Cownose Stingrays who have taken up residence in a new 10,000 gallon touch pool, located inside the Tropical Wings Exhibit at Miami Seaquarium®. The new interactive exhibit, gives park guests the opportunity to feed and feel the gentle glide of these amazing creatures at their fingertips. Daily feeding sessions provide the opportunity for guests to feed the Stingrays. Sharky's Sky Trail - Sharky’s Sky Trail is a multi-level aerial obstacle course that provides a challenging and fun experience for the whole family. Park guests will be able to climb three stories in the air to face 18 challenges including rickety bridges, suspended ropes and other balancing obstacles. While safely harnessed in an overhead track, you walk the planks and tiptoe the tightropes 32 feet above Miami Seaquarium®! Salty's Pirate Playground - Batten down the hatches and walk the plank at Salty’s Pirate Playground, a wet/dry playground area. The attraction consists of a two-level pirate ship, 31 feet by 27 feet, located at the center of a shark filled moat. The pirate ship, featuring water blasters, cargo nets, padded areas and a spiral slide, entertains buccaneers ages two through twelve. Shows Top Deck Dolphin - Thrill to the high-flying antics of bottlenose dolphins as they perform breathtaking leaps and rolls. Guests thrill to the acrobatics of these agile marine mammals as they brave “rough waters” during the Rock n’ Roll Cruise. The Top Deck dolphins can be viewed anytime throughout the day from above and below the water. Keep your eyes open you might be able to spot a baby dolphin depending on when you visit. Golden Dome Sea Lion - Enjoy the hilarious adventures of Salty the Sea Lion and his Reef Rangers. This comedic playlet allows the sea lion and seal stars to show off their athletic and comedic abilities as they explore the reef searching for a littering diver. You, too, can be a Reef Ranger by helping protect our waters from trash and recycling whenever possible. Flipper Dolphin Show - The new Caribbean themed show, with a new set, music, and behaviors will let everyone know what Flipper has been up to in recent years. While the show demonstrates that Flipper’s surroundings may have changed, his core commitment to helping out when there is a need has not. In addition, a new historic display of images and nostalgia from the original TV show will be on exhibit at the entrance of Flipper's stadium. Killer Whale & Dolphin - There’s only one place where you’ll find Pacific white-sided dolphins living, playing and performing alongside a killer whale! Be amazed and delighted by Lolita the Killer Whale and her exotic Pacific white-sided dolphin friends as they show off their natural grace, beauty and intelligence through the special relationship between animal and trainer.
L'Hemisfèric’s projection hall has three separate systems projecting onto a 900m2 curved screen suspended above more than 300 people. There’s an IMAX dome, a 3D digital screen and digital full dome projections often of an astronomical nature. Lie back and be transported to another dimension. All these dramatic features have earned nicknames such as the Eye of Knowledge and the Planetarium. At L'Oceanogràfic explore all the world’s major seas and oceans, with each building dedicated to a different maritime environment. Marvel at the majesty of the Mediterranean. Wander through the wild Wetlands. Travel through the Temperate and Tropical Seas. Admire the awesome Antarctic and Arctic Oceans. Revel in the Red Sea and discover the delights of the Dolphinarium. There are more than 45,000 creatures from 500 species, including beluga whales, jellyfish, penguins, sea lions, seals, sharks, rays, starfish, walruses and many, many more. During the summer, there are special night-time shows from 8pm to midnight, where you can take in the magical atmosphere in the company of the friendly and gentle dolphins.
¡Disfrute de una visita nocturna en el Aquarium de París con una copa de champán!
Entrada con fecha (todos los sábados de 19:00 a 22:00h). Última entrada a las 21:00h
Visita + copa de champán o refresco.
Con 500 especies, y más de 3.500m2, el mejor acuario de Europa es el lugar perfecto para descubrir un mundo natural apasionante. En el acuario, tiburones, erizos de mar, peces payaso y buzos dando espectáculos cada día.
También encontrará 2 salas de cine y un programa de actividades. Diviértase viendo películas, espectáculos en directo, charlas medioambientales y descubra documentales esenciales.
¡Un nuevo programa de actividades cada mes!
Aspectos destacados:
Talleres y espectáculos para niños, e incluso una piscina de contacto para acariciar y alimentar a los peces.
El tanque más grande de Francia con 3 millones de litros de agua.
50 tanques que muestran los mares franceses a todo el mundo.
Haga un viaje a las profundidades con más de 10.000 animales acuáticos, encontrará algunos de los animales más increíbles del mundo. ¡Acérquese a los divertidos pingüinos, a tiburones enormes, peces sierra, rayas majestuosas, hermosos caballitos de mar, miles de peces tropicales y mucho más! Hay tanto que ver y una gran variedad de actividades divertidas para jóvenes y mayores, que no se arrepentirá de la visita a SEA LIFE Melbourne. SEA LIFE Melbourne le ofrece una aventura interactiva desde las profundidades del océano hasta las aguas heladas de la Antártida. La impresionante exhibición Croc Lair es solo una de las 12 nuevas zonas de descubrimiento del acuario, también podrá admirar la única exhibición mundial de tiburones elefante en Bay of Rays, quedase fascinado al experimentar un arco iris de colores en el Seahorse Pier, y explore un mundo diferente a cualquier otro y maravíllese con los majestuosos pingüinos rey y los papúa en Penguin Playground. Con los encuentros interactivos con animales, las icónicas pantallas de última generación, la alimentación de animales y más, SEA LIFE Melbourne es una experiencia excelente, educativa y completamente interesante.
África cobra vida en Bioparc, donde te espera una verdadera inmersión en la vida y la actividad diaria del zoo. Déjate llevar y adéntrate en los hábitats naturales recreados con todo detalle y descubre la complejidad de ecosistemas naturales como las sabanas, las junglas o los pantanos. Descubre cómo los oricteropos (o cerdos hormigueros) excavan para vivir bajo tierra visitando sus madrigueras rodeadas por termitas. Observa a las hienas y a los jabalís como si estuvieran en África. Aventúrate por la frondosa selva ecuatorial en busca de gorilas, búfalos y leopardos. Maravíllate viendo cómo se bañan los hipopótamos o cómo los cocodrilos del Nilo se sumergen subrepticiamente en el agua, entre miles de peces. Hay un hábitat de anfibios poblado por ranas y sapos y un recinto especial para grandes simios, donde pueden campar a sus anchas en paz. Sigue los gigantescos pasos de los elefantes en una réplica de una antigua cueva excavada por paquidermos. La cueva de Kitum es una recreación de una gruta volcánica milenaria de Kenia. Al ponerse el sol, las manadas de elefantes entran dentro de la cueva en busca de sales minerales. También los búfalos suelen adentrarse en la gruta, donde viven miles de murciélagos.