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stunning glitter developed for wear on the face, hair, skin or nails perfect for professional use - salons, mua and festivals ideal for a range of different events including festivals, parties, nights out and holidays each bag contains up to 75 applications professional binding gel also available for purchase seperately
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Mepore Ultra 10 x 11 cm These Mepore Ultra are sold at a price equivalent to 1.12 per dressing. Mepore Ultra is a self-adherent, absorbent and breathable dressing with an outer film layer which protects the wound from water and contamination. Its skin-friendly, waterbased, solvent-free adhesive provides a gentle and secure fixation. The backing film allows showering and protects the wound from water and contamination. It also protects clothing and bedlinen from blood or exudate strike-through. Due to a highly absorbent pad and a high vapour permeability of the backing film, the dressing offers good total fluid handling. The polyacrylate adhesive is designed to be gentle to the skin and at the same time provide secure fixation. The easy-to-remove protection paper permits sterile application, as well as simplifies dressing application. The stability of the fabric/film laminate also supports ease of application. Mepore Ultra can be used in a wide variety of wounds which have low to moderate exudate levels. These include surgical wounds, minor burns, cuts, and abrasions. Directions Open the package and remove the dressing. Grip both overlapping release papers, exposing adhesive surface allowing initial fixation of the dressing. Position the dressing on the skin without stretching and gently remove the rest of the release papers. Firmly smooth adhesive border to obtain proper adhesion. Do not stretch the dressing when applying. The frequency of dressing changes will be governed by the condition of the underlying wound. Upon removal grasp the edge and slowly peel the dressing from the skin in the direction of hair growth.
Mascara volume marron 9ml Lavera pour etre encore plus belle et mettre en valeur vos cils et votre regard ! Ce mascara bio permet de donner du volume a vos cils tout en les protegeant efficacement par l apport de beurre de karite et de cires couvrantes et protectrices. Conseils d utilisation: Appliquer le mascara a la brosse en posant celle-ci a la base des cils et en tirant jusqu a la pointe. En meme temps, exercer un leger mouvement de va-et-vient avec la brosse pour donner aux cils une densite maximale.
Crayon levres 04 Blooming Scarlet Sante, pour dessiner vos levres. Le Crayon levres 04 Blooming Scarlet Sante a ete elabore avec des ingredients bio et naturels pour tracer le contour de vos levres sans les agresser. Ce crayon a levres naturel est propose en 4 couleurs intenses, assorties aux teintes de rouges a levres. La pointe fine vous aidera a avoir un trace precis et sa texture cremeuse facilitera l application. INGREDIENT SOIN : Le Beurre de Karite Bio, nourrit et depose un film protecteur pour empecher le dessechement des levres.