Vario 3-D Design Bogen mit 15 fertigen 3-D Motiven, ausgestanzt & zusammengesetzt, inkl. Glimmerlack, Goldfolienveredelung & Klebepad, Bogengröße ca. 22 x 19,5 cm.Thema: Buddha Mit den Vario 3-D Motiven haben Sie die Möglichkeit nach Lust & Laune zu kombinieren.
The Facom 249.G sheathed drift punches are tough and durable. With very high tensile strength, these punches feature a head hardened to 43 HRc and a long shank hardened to 58 HRc. The handles are ergonomically shaped for comfort and shock absorption. Ideal as an aid in aligning bolt or rivet holes prior to inserting a fastener.The FCM249G12 Sheathed Punch has the following specifications:Point diameter: 11.80mm.Length: 280mm.
The Britool 3/8 inch 12-point sockets (metric) are crafted from chrome vanadium steel with a high chrome finish. The OGV profile allows tightening torque to be applied to the sides rather than to the angles of the nut. This product is for manual use only. ISO 2725-1, DIN 3124, ISO 1174-1, ISO 691, ISO-1711-1.Size: 10mm Length: 25.7mmWeight: 20g
Laser-Design-Schablone aus stabilem Kunststoff, DIN A4: Segelschiff.
Masajeador muscular eléctrico de 12 V Percusión portátil Vibrante Pistolas de masaje potentes Masajeador muscular de tejido profundo de mano para cuello Espalda Hombros Pie pierna
Tipo de pedal Máquina de coser Caja de música Regalo antiguo Juguetes educativos musicales Decoración para el hogar Accesorios de moda