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Ein Ausflug in eine zauberhafte Alpenwelt - Die Tour entlang der Deutschen Alpenstraße führt Sie zum Obersalzberg, dem geschichtsträchtigen Kehlsteinhaus und nach Berchtesgaden. Der Weg nach Berchtesgaden führt uns durch atemberaubende Täler und auf den Obersalzberg. Hier haben Sie die Möglichkeit das NS-Dokumentationszentrum zu besichtigen (fakultativ). Eine Fahrt mit Spezialbus und Lift führt Sie hoch hinaus in die Berchtesgadener Alpen. Hier wird – sofern es das Wetter zulässt das Kehlsteinhaus besichtigt (in der Regel ab Mitte Mai geöffnet). Wenn das Wetter nicht mitspielt, besuchen wir stattdessen das Salzbergwerk. Reiseleitung in deutscher und englischer Sprache. Auf ausgewählten Touren stehen zusätzlich mehrsprachige Audioguides zur Verfügung. Highlights: Obersalzberg, Kehlsteinhaus, Alpenstraße, Berchtesgaden, Salzbergwerk und Dokumentationszentrum Dauer: 10,5 Stunden Eintritte sind nicht im Ticketpreis enthalten. Nebenkosten: Spezialbus, Lift € 20,- (Priority)
St Paul's Cathedral St Paul’s Cathedral, whose dome dominates London’s skyline, is England’s architectural masterpiece and place of national celebration. The cathedral was designed by the famed architect Sir Christopher Wren, after the Great Fire of London in 1666 destroyed its predecessor. The cathedral took 35 years to build from 1675 – 1710, spanning the lives of five monarchs and was the first cathedral to have been built and completed in its architect’s lifetime. St Paul’s Cathedral is where peopleand events of overwhelming national significance have been celebrated, mourned or commemorated. From state funerals for British heroes such as Sir Winston Churchill, to the Royal Wedding of Prince Charles to Lady Diana Spencer, and National Services of Thanksgiving to celebrate the Silver, Golden and Diamond Jubilee’s of Her Majesty the Queen. Touch-screen multimedia guides in nine languages are included for sightseers, offering up to 90 minutes of audio commentary, videos and imagery for a self guided tour. Tours led by cathedral guides are also offered, usually starting at 10.00, 11.00, 13.00 & 14.00 and last for 90 minutes; visitors should register to join a tour once inside the cathedral. Explore the cathedral floor then visit the Whispering Gallery to test the unique acoustics. Climb further to the Stone and Golden Galleries, which afford breathtaking panoramic views across the city. Descend to the crypt which houses tombs and memorials to famous Britons such as Admiral Lord Nelson, The Duke of Wellington and Wren himself. Tower of London One of the most famous buildings in the world, the Tower of London was constructed in the 11th century - almost a 1,000 years ago and has been witness to countless significant events in the development of Britain's now democratic monarchy. During your tour you will meet the magnificent Yeoman Warders or 'Beefeaters', clad as they were in Tudor times, hear the legend of the ravens and spine chilling tales from the Tower's long history. See the infamous Bloody Tower where the Princes were murdered, Beauchamp Tower where visitors can read carved inscriptions of past prisoners and Traitors Gate where those unlucky enough not to survive imprisonment had their heads impaled - and much more. We sell at less than the gate price, which gives you access to all the Towers and Attractions, as well as the unique Gift Shops, the historic New Armouries Restaurant, Tower Cafe and Kiosk. Your Tower ticket also includes entry to the Crown Jewels. Things to do and See at the Tower of London: Line of Kings Exhibition For over 300 years visitors to the Tower of London have marvelled at displays featuring arms and royal armour, life-sized wooden horses and figures of kings. The White Tower The White Tower is one of the most famous castle keeps in the world. It was built, to awe, subdue and terrify Londoners and to deter foreign invaders. It’s an iconic symbol of London and Britain. The Crown Jewels The Jewel house at the Tower of London houses the world famous Crown Jewels. 23,578 precious stones and gems make up the Crown Jewels and include the world’s most famous diamond ‘ The Great Star of Africa’. The Yeoman Warder tours The Yeoman Warders, also known as beefeaters, are the public face of the Tower of London. As well as guarding the Tower and Crown Jewels they also provide tours for visitor where they regale you with tales from the Tower. The Royal Beasts The last thing you’d expect to see at the Tower of London would be Lions, Tigers, Elephants and Polar Bears, but for over 600 years the Royal Menagerie played host to these and many more. Discover their extraordinary stories and what life was like for them at the tower. The Ravens ‘The kingdom and the Tower will fall if the six ravens ever leave the Tower of London’, well according to legend anyway. Whether this is true or not the ravens have become on of the Tower’s most famous sites, just make sure you see at least 6 when you visit! The Tower Green Believe it or not being executed inside the Tower of London was considered a privilege for those of high rank. The Tower Green contains a permanent memorial for those ‘lucky’ enough to be executed there. The Medieval Palace Being the oldest part of the Tower of London, the Medieval Palace contains amazing interiors that you won’t see anywhere else. here you can experience what life might have been like in a luxurious medieval household. Coins and kings; the Royal Mint at the Tower An exhibit devoted to telling the history of the Mint located at the Tower for over 500 years. Learn of Isaac Newton's efforts to rid London of counterfeiters when he was Warden of the Mint, Edward I's harsh punishments for people who tampered with his coins, Elizabeth I's restoration of the coinage following her father Henry VIII’s disastrous meddling, and Charles II's rejection of Commonwealth money.
Erkunden Sie Herculaneum, eine alte römische Stadt, die nach dem Ausbruch des Vesuvs im Jahr 79 n. Chr. Besser erhalten blieb als Pompeji
Spazieren Sie durch die gepflasterten Straßen und sehen Sie die antiken Villen, Fresken, Badehäuser und vieles mehr
Die Tour an diesen magischen Ort ist ein perfekter Tagesausflug
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Fast Track Zugang in Herculaneum
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Disques volants en plastique de 9,8 pouces 145g