Garcinia Cambogia Pure Helps suppress appetite, reduce body mass and prevent build-up of fat. Garcinia Cambogia Pure is 100% natural.
Gentle, antioxidant cleansing for all skin types The Premium Facial Puff with Green Tea takes skin cleansing to a whole new level. The sponge is enriched with antioxidant green tea that has soothes the skin, protects the cells and binds free radicals. The Premium Facial Puff with Green Tea is perfect for protecting skin against premature aging due to environmental influence. Skin becomes more plump and soft with a radiant fell and renewed elasticity. The sponge has a diameter of approximately 8 cm. perfect for all skin types also suitable for skin that is prone to irritations, hypersensitivity & sensitivity skin-soothing & binds free radicals protects the skin from environmental influences balances the pH value gentle & deep exfoliating effect refines the pores use with or without a cleanser 100% natural & free from colourants and other additives wonderfully soft & gentle when wet Ingredients: Konjac, green tea
Con el objetivo de proporcionar una solucion precisa y equilibrada para la hidratacion de las pieles con acne, ClearPores Crema Proteccion Facial es perfecta para las pieles que sufren de acne y exceso de grasa. ClearPores Crema Proteccion Facial tiene Vitaminas B3, Te Verde y Ginkgo Biloba
Viaher es un suplemento natural creado para ayudar a mejorar la vitalidad de la mujer y los momentos de placer intimo
Volume500 tabs are ideal for increased volume & quality, working with the masculine body. Volume500’s potent herbal, mineral & vitamin blend includes Zinc for sustained fertility. Enhanced with Ginseng & Asparagus, you need to only take one tablet daily.
Gel nettoyant aloe vera bio 100ml Logona, pour un nettoyage en douceur. Le Gel nettoyant aloe vera bio 100ml Logona nettoie votre peau en douceur tout en eliminant les impuretes en profondeur. Doux et delicatement au toucher, il procure une sensation de fraicheur et illumine votre teint pour toute la journee. La base lavante du gel nettoyant bio est composee de glycerine et dacides aminees est respectueuse des peaux les plus sensibles. Le Gel nettoyant aloe vera bio 100ml Logona contient egalement des huiles essentielles naturelles, ainsi que dautres ingredients issus de lagriculture biologique exercant une action nourrissante sur la peau. On y retrouve laloe vera, le tilleul ou la rose de Damas. Le gel nettoyant bio sapplique avec un leger massage matin et soir sur le visage, sur le cou, ainsi que le decollete avant de le rincer a leau tiede. Logona est une marque de bio cosmetique allemande, presente sur le marche depuis quatre decennies.