With 500 species, presented over 3,500 m2, Europe’s finest aquarium is the place to discover an exciting and abundant natural world. In the aquarium, sharks, sea urchins, clown fish and divers are acting up. We also propose 2 cinemas and a program of activities. Have fun watching the films, live show, environmental talks and discover essential documentaries. A new program of activities every month! The highlight: - Workshops for children and even a touch pool to stroke and feed the fish. - A few figures about the Aquarium: - Open every days except July 14th from 10.00 to 19.00 - The biggest tank in France with 3 million liters of water. - 43 tanks showing the French seas over the world - Show and workshops for kids.
Los clientes recibirán pizza de pepperoni y queso de forma ilimitada, ensalada, cerveza ilimitada, vino, refrescos y postres.
Siga los pasos de sus ancestros neolíticos en Stonehenge - una de las maravillas del mundo y el monumento prehistórico más famoso de Europa. Explore el paisaje neolítico a pie y adéntrese en las casas neolíticas para descubrir los utensilios y objetos usados día a día en ese periodo. Visite la exposición de nivel mundial con 250 objetos antiguos y mire cara a cara a un hombre de 5.500 años. Nota para Séniors y Estudiantes: Los trabajadores en Stonehenge pedirán una identificación válida a todos los visitantes que lleven una entrada para Sénior o Estudiante. Por favor lleve un documento de identificación válido en estos casos para que no haya problemas.
This is your ticket to a splash-tastic day of fun at Wet'n'Wild Gold Coast. Here are the highlights: AquaLoop, enter the trap door, be released and travel through 4 transparent slides at speeds of 60km per hour. This is the craziest slide in the world Plummet 30 meters whilst spinning on a massive surfboard...awesome! Wet'n'Wild Junior, this is a kids adventure playground with interactive games, slides and a giant tipping bucket that frequently spills water over the whole enclosure Mammoth Falls, a 6 person giant tube plummeting over 200 meters of white water rapids! Super 8 Aqua racer....custom drag lights and an awesome race timer...who will be the winner? River Rapids, slide your way down this white water mountain Giant wave pool, small waves in the shallows, big waves in the deep. Glassware, sharp knives and implements may not be brought into the park You may bring in fruit and bottled water
Menú degustación Trio de Entrantes Rollos de vegetales BIO Gaspacho Hojaldre de queso de cabra caliente Surtido de 4 platos Sushi de lujo Salmón y juliana de verduras Pincho de pollo caramelizado Hachis Parmentier reconstruido Postres Gourmet Pastel de chocolate Ensalada de frutas Crème brulée Encontrará el menú detallado en la página web.
LEGOLAND FLORIDA Operating Calendar: Remember that LEOGLAND Florida and the water park are not open 365 days a year. Please click here for a detailed calendar view of opening times. FREE Shuttles available from Orlando: Shuttle leaves from I-Drive 360, 8350 Universal Blvd, Orlando, FL 32819. You can add a free shuttle voucher to your order here. KENNEDY SPACE CENTER Admission to KSCVC includes all of the exhibits, attractions, the IMAX theatre tickets and a very comprehensive bus tour to the Apollo/Saturn V Center. It is easy to spend a full day at KSCVC, particularly if you would like to add on 'Lunch With an Astronaut*' or one of the special interest guided tours. Hotels are plentiful in nearby Titusville or the Cocoa Beach area, just south of Cape Canaveral. *Additional fee, to be paid direct at KSCVC. Please note, this does not include Transport and is an entry ticket only.