Source de fibres. Biscuits multi-cereales avec des flocons. A la pate de figues (100% fruits) Exclusivement au sucre de canne complet Sans oelig;uf ni produit laitier (presence possible de traces) Huile de palme bio certifiee RSPO, issue d une filiere durable et responsable Etui de 4 pochons de 4 biscuits INGREDIENTS : 4 cereales (56%) (farine de ble T65 Borsa, flocons d avoine complets (gluten), flocons de sarrasin complets, farine de seigle (gluten)), huile de palme non hydrogenee (1), sucre de canne complet (13%), pate de figues (12%), amidon de ble, poudres a lever (bicarbonates d ammonium et de sodium), sel marin. (1) conformement a la reglementation sur le mode de production biologique issus de l agriculture biologique Allergenes presents: Contient du gluten. Peut contenir des traces de lait, de fruits a coque, de sesame et de lupin. CONDITIONS DE STOCKAGE: A conserver dans un endroit sec et frais et a consommer rapidement apres ouverture. Certifie AB
Kaees SOLOMON Mesh RTA is bound to draw your attention with the 6.5ml large capacity, smooth taste benefited from the mesh coil configuration, long service time. The airflow system is positioned on the top, close to the drip tip, meaning that you could capture the fresh taste as soon as produced from the heated coil. 6.5ml large tank, affordable for an immersing vaping experience Adjustable top airflow system, efficient to prevent the liquid from leaking while heating Compatible with mesh coil, available for an even heating effect and wider heating area Stainless steel construction, durable and impact resistant Brand: Kaees Model: SOLOMON Material: 304 stainless steel Diameter: 25mm Capacity: 6.5ml Drip Tip: 810 Product Size: 2.5 x 2.5 x 5cm Package Size: 8 x 4.5 x 4.5cm Product Weight: 0.06kg Package Weight: 0.145kg Brand: KAEES Model SOLOMON MESH Tank Capacity 6.5ml Diameter 25mm
Noten von reifen, schwarzen Johannisbeeren sowie Nuancen von getrockneten Pfirsichen, Thymian und Nelken, dazu Anklänge von Kardamom, Tabak, Zedern- und Süßholz: Das Bukett des Glen Carlou Haven Cabernet Sauvignon ist herrlich vielschichtig. Am Gaumen...
Heringssalat mit Rote Bete-Vinaigrette Beschreibung Zarte Heringsfilethappen vereint mit lieblich-aromatischen frischen Rote Bete-Stücken und fruchtigen Apfelwürfeln aus dem Alten Land verfeinert mit einer milden Essig-Öl-Vinaigrette.Der Hering in diesem Produkt stammt aus einer MSC-zertifzierten Fischerei. Unsere Beeck Feinkostsalate werden Ihnen in einer wiederverschließbaren 1 Kg Schale geliefert und können so einfach portioniert werden.
The Aspire Nautilus AIO Replacement Coil comes with 1.8ohm resistance. The Nautilus AIO BVC coil is easy to install and replace. Best for Nic salts. 5 pieces each pack. Just get it as a spare part. Brand: Aspire Coil Nautilus (NS) BVC Resistance 1.8ohm Quantity 5