An amazing experience in Santorini. A hike over-viewing the spectacular caldera, on the old path connecting the capital of Fira with the famous for its sunset village of Oia. Along the way you will stop at panoramic view points to enjoy the breathtaking lansdscape, pass by beautiful churches and take a light picnic break with local goods. Bring with you: A hat A bottle of water Sun screen Light summer clothes Comfortable walking shoes Includes: 4 hours hiking experience English speaking Guide Return transfer from your hotel Traditional picnic lunch Important: Before participating in any activities all parties are required to sign a declaration regarding their fitness and health. *** Please note that this tour is not suitable for children younger than 12 years old ***
Click here for a complete list of current attractions included with the Chicago Explorer Pass Frequently Asked Questions Is this just a discount card? Will I still need to buy tickets? No. Passes include admission to each attraction; no need to pay anything at the gate. Some attractions may offer upgrades or special exhibits for an additional fee. Do I need to choose my attractions in advance? Nope, choose as you go. The pass is good for any combination of the number of attractions you purchased. My child is under 3 years old. Can I get them a Chicago Explorer Pass? Child Passes are recommended for children ages 3-12. Many attractions offer free admission for younger children. Please consult the attraction websites for more details. How will I get my pass? Delivered via E-mail: Printable and Smartphone Versions How do I activate my pass? Easy: simply visit your first attraction! Is the pass valid all day? You bet! Feel free to visit the attractions any time of the day as long as they are open or operating. What is your refund policy? Our Risk Free Guarantee gives you one year from your purchase date to return any non-activated passes for a full refund. How much will I save? Compare the price of the pass to the gate prices of the attractions you want to visit to see how much you can save. Many customers save 40%. We give you the flexibility to create your own itinerary and choose the attractions you want to visit depending on your interests. Can I visit an attraction more than once? No. Your pass includes only one visit per attraction. Does a Chicago Explorer Pass expire? Yes. You have one year from the date of purchase to begin using your pass. After one year, it will expire. After activated, you’ll have 30 days to use your pass. Do I need to make reservations to visit the attractions? Attractions that require a reservation will display a symbol on the guidebook page. Some attractions require a credit card to hold a reservation. In these cases, your credit card will not be charged unless you do not show up for your reservation. What’s the catch? There’s no catch. Chicago Explorer Pass has a partnership with all of the participating attractions to make your visit to Chicago as memorable as possible and to help you save time and money. Can I share my pass with a friend or sell it? No. The Chicago Explorer Pass is non-transferrable and may not be re-sold. What happens if an attraction is closed or a tour is cancelled due to weather or other problem? While we do our best to ensure that all attractions are available, events happen that are out of our control. The great thing about a Chicago Explorer Pass is that there are so many attractions to choose from. If an attraction is closed, or cannot be visited for some reason, we know you'll find a fun alternative in your guidebook! SHEDD AQUARIUM EXHIBITS AMPHIBIANS! Get ready for a toadally ribbiting experience! Shedd’s new special exhibit, Amphibians, included with admission. In Amphibians, you’ll meet 40 species of frogs, salamanders and rarely seen caecilians. Learn how amphibians’ lives are full of change, from their life cycles to their adaptations to live in nearly every environment on Earth. Find out how too much change can spell trouble for amphibians — and how you can help them cope with big changes in our world today! Waters of the World Travel the world in 80 habitats. Dive into Oceans, from coastal kelp forests to the seafloor. Explore the self-contained ecosystems of Islands and Lakes. Visit Rivers—big and small—and learn more about our local waters in the new At Home on the Great Lakes exhibit. Meet hundreds of amazing animals, from tiny mantella frogsto a a giant octopus, from a Grand Cayman blue iguana to Nile knifefish, and from moon jellies to sea stars. We even have map turtles, in case you get lost. Caribbean Reef Take a 360-degree tour of an underwater reef community. Follow a green sea turtle. Peek at a moray eel in a rocky crevice. Watch regal rays glide by. Get eye-to-eye with parrot fish and sharks. Visit Caribbean Reef, Shedd’s award-winning 90,000-gallon circular habitat in the grand rotunda. Amazon Rising Take an exotic journey in the Amazon, home to one-third of all living things. Watch out for anacondas and piranhas, spiders, rays and a camouflaged caiman. In churning river channels, still lakes and even flooded treetops look for tetras, turtles and fruit-eating fish called tambaqui. See how the region’s animals, plants and people adapt to the water’s dramatic annual rise and fall. Abbott Oceanarium The Abbott Oceanarium immerses you in the vibrant coastal ecosystem of beluga whales, Pacific white-sided dolphins, sea otters and sea lions. You’ll also find a host of fishes and invertebrates that make their homes where freshwater flows into the ocean or where tides turn seascapes to landscapes and back again each day. Use our self-guided map to discover how animals are linked to each other, their homes and you. Polar Play Zone Kids have a place at Shedd that they can call their own—Polar Play Zone. It’s cool as ice and twice as nice! The penguins think so, too. Play! Splash! Pretend! What would you like to be? A sleek sliding penguin? A deep-sea explorer? How about both? In Polar Play Zone, you can slip into a penguin suit and try being a bird in the Icy South play area. From there, head to the Icy North to explore the belugas’ Arctic waters in a kid-sized submarine. Don’t forget to shake hands—or is it arms?—with colorful sea stars in the touch pools. In Polar Play Zone, you’ll learn about polar opposites—big and small, fast and slow, shallow and deep, even north and south—while you play. The Oceanarium Aquatic Presentation is included however based on available seating and remaining show times at the time of guest arrival. (2018 Aquatic Presentation Schedule) Stingray Touch (seasonal experience) is included. Open late May through October. 4D Experience is not included however the 4D experience tickets may be purchased at the theatre for $3.00 per -person Pets are not allowed in the aquarium
Menú degustación Trio de Entrantes Rollos de vegetales BIO Gaspacho Hojaldre de queso de cabra caliente Surtido de 4 platos Sushi de lujo Salmón y juliana de verduras Pincho de pollo caramelizado Hachis Parmentier reconstruido Postres Gourmet Pastel de chocolate Ensalada de frutas Crème brulée Encontrará el menú detallado en la página web.
L’Aquàrium de Barcelona es el acuario mediterráneo más grande del mundo, una visita obligatoria para quien se encuentre en esta fantástica ciudad. La emoción está garantizada tanto para jóvenes como para adultos mientras exploran el acuario libremente. Especialmente mientras caminan debajo del agua a través del túnel de 80 metros que les permitirá ver los tiburones nadando sobre sus cabezas al alzar la mirada. Podrán ver 11.000 ejemplares de 450 especies de todo el mundo. El espectacular Oceanario es único en toda Europa, siendo la instalación más grande y con más variedad de especies de todo el acuario. Con un diámetro de 36 metros y 5 metros de profundidad, contiene 4.500 metros cúbicos de agua y una gran diversidad de especies. Incluyendo: doradas, morenas, peces luna, rayas y dos clases de tiburones: el tiburón toro y el jaquetón de Milberto, las verdaderas estrellas de L'Aquarium! No se pierda la exposición de medusas, pero también se pueden maravillar con los pingüinos o echar un vistazo a los réptiles y anfibios en el Río Tropical. Hay tanto que hacer que los niños estarán entretenidos toda la visita y usted podrá disfrutar de maravillosas grabaciones con algunos de los peces más hermosos del mundo. En Explora, los niños tienen su propia área para jugar y explorar. Hay cafetería de autoservicio donde podrá disfrutar de una bebida, aperitivos o comidas y también hay tienda de regalos donde podrá comprar un recuerdo para llevárselo a casa con usted.
The newly renovated Orlando Odditorium showcases hundreds of unbelievable exhibits including dozens of amazing new exhibits including: - An actual human shrunken head - A Peel Trident car (the smallest production car in the world) - A portrait of singer Beyonce made entirely from candy - A “Wall-E” robot replica made from car parts - A 25-foot high mural of Jimi Hendrix made from more than 8,500 playing cards - A very rare fossil of a T-Rex foot and lower leg - Multiple miniatures that visitors can view through a magnifying glass - A stuffed Alligator Gar that measures more than 8 feet long - A balloon-powered chair that flew over the Rocky Mountains - A dog sculpture made entirely of clothes pins - New optical illusions, word puzzles and brain teasers - Several new wax figures that visitors can take photos with - A new shooting gallery for visitors to take aim and fire at different odd targets
Parque Disneyland® En un Reino Mágico no muy lejano - en algún lugar donde los sueños se hacen realidad – los héroes y heroínas de Disney® viven en un cuento de hadas: una vida feliz que, afortunadamente, nunca termina. 5 tierras mágicas, diversión sin fin, elija una... ¡o todas! Disfrute de su Tierra Disney® favorita tal como la recuerda en las historias Disney clásicas donde los cuentos de hadas se hacen realidad. Un sinfín de atracciones y emociones que vienen en todos los tamaños y formas. Podrá vivir grandes emociones en atracciones como la Space Mountain Mission 2 que le llevará a los confines del Universo. Los más pequeños tendrán la oportunidad de descubrir el Mundo con “It’s a small world”. La diversión para toda la familia se encuentra en cada esquina del Parque, desde “Pirates of the Caribbean” hasta las tazas de “Mad Hatter’s Tea Cups”. Conozca los personajes de Disney® El Parque donde sus personajes favoritos de Disney® viven y están deseando conocerle. A lo largo del Parque podrá saludar a Mickey y Minnie, a Goofy o a Winnie de Pooh. Podrá abrazarles, hacerles fotos e incluso obtener un autógrafo suyo. Cada día es una fiesta en el Parque Disneyland®. Además de todas las maravillosas atracciones y personajes, hay un montón de desfiles increíbles y espectáculos para disfrutar, durante todo el año. ¡Disfrute de nuestros magníficos espectáculos y desfiles todos los días! Parque Walt Disney Studios® Justo al lado del Parque Disneyland®, descubrirá el mágico mundo del cine y la televisión en el Parque Walt Disney Studios. Explore 4 escenarios cinematográficos, con atracciones emocionantes y espectáculos centrados en el cine. Descubra las escenas de 4 platós, ¡donde sus sueños cinematográficos se hacen realidad! ¡El mundo del espectáculo en su máximo esplendor! Haga su debut en la gran pantalla en la “Production Courtyard”, el “Toon Studio”, o los platós “Backlot” y “Front”. Un itinerario repleto de estrellas, y nunca sabe con cual se encontrará. Hay atracciones de algunas de las películas más taquilleras. ¡Y quizás descubra que tiene madera para ser una estrella del cine! Será su día para descubrirlo mientras explora todo lo que se puede encontrar en Disney® Studios – el Tour por los Estudios: “Behind the magic”, “Disney Cinema Parade”, “Animagique” y mucho más. En el Parque Walt Disney Studios® abunda la magia del cine. Vaya detrás de las cámaras con los tours y las exhibiciones nunca antes vistas. ¿Por qué no apuntarse en uno de los alucinantes espectáculos o demostraciones para completar el día? Como por ejemplo el “Behind the Magic” o el espectáculo de dobles de acción “Moteurs… Action!”. Después de todo esto sabrá que es sentirse como una estrella.