Lustiger Kantenhocker "Weihnachtsmann" mit Schlenkerbeinen und Tanne aus Dolomit, ca. 18 cm hoch. Der Kantenhocker kann durch sein Eigengewicht an jeder Kante Platz nehmen ohne extra befestigt zu werden.
Baileys Blue Rods®, Polypropylene - These Rods are generally acknowledged as the best quality cleaning rods available which are specified on a world wide basis and are the preferred choice of professionals. Blue Rods® have earned an international reputation for their reliability, strength, rigidity and the right amount of flexibility. They have been developed through many years of constant research and development, the rods are manufactured from the highest grade of polypropylene whilst the joints are manufactured from solid brass. To ensure strength and durability during use the brass joints are securely fitted to the rods by brass rivets. Blue Rods® - Carry the Bailey name and this combination is your guarantee of quality. Both the 'Bailey' name and the colour blue, in respect of drain rods, are covered by international trademarks. Joints - All rods are offered with two types of joints, either Universal or Lockfast: UniversalRods fitted with this type of joint should only be rotated in a clockwise direction. LockfastRods fitted with this type of joint can be rotated in either direction and will remain secure in the most demanding conditions. Rods are manufactured from high grade polypropylene complete with solid brass joints.Size 1 in x 3ft.
7 x Übernachtung , Täglich Frühstück vom reichhaltigen Buffet, Täglich eine Flasche Wasser pro Person, 1 x Moormilchbad mit Arnika und Ziegenbutter, 2 x Wilsnacker Moorpackungen, 2 x Kleine Rückenmassagen , 1 x Fußreflexzonenmassage, 1 x Moorseife, Nutzung unseres hauseigenen Saunabereiches, Nutzung des Fitnessbereiches, Bademantel und Slipper auf dem Zimmer für den hauseigenen Gebrauch, W-LAN
3 x Übernachtung im Komfort oder Landhaus Doppelzimmer, 3 x Schlemmerfrühstück, 1 x Kutschfahrt mit Mittagsimbiss 'Heidelümmel', Stadtführung durch Lüneburg, Eintrittskarte Barfußpark Egestorf, Kegelabend mit Schnuckenwettzeichnen, Eintrittskarte Wildpark Lüneburger Heide
The Plasti-kote Fast Dry Enamel Aerosol is a superior quality paint and comes in a handy 100ml spray that is ideal for small project or craft uses. Fast Dry Enamel is non-fading, long-lasting paint which is safe to use on children's toys and furniture. Suitable for use on cardboard, ceramic, glass, metal, paper, plastic and wood. Available in 37 superb colours, please note that the cap is not a true representation of the finish.Colour: Copper.
Owon SDS1022 Osciloscopio Oscilómetro Osciloscopio de almacenamiento digital 2CH 20 MHz 100MS / s 7 "Pantalla LCD