Ultrum Line-up Spot-On for Dogs is a quick and convenient spot-on solution to ensure dogs stay flea and tick free. Buy Ultrum Line-up for Dogs Online at affordable price with free shipping in USA.
Buy NexGard Spectra Chewable Tablets for Dogs for the treatment of flea and tick infestations in dogs. The chew also treats and prevents gastrointestinal nematode infestations.
Effipro Spot On Dogs tackles dog flea and tick infestations with both pests killed between 24 and 48 hours after application. Buy Effipro Spot on Dog for prevention of ticks and fleas on your pet for longer period at affordable rates.
Strongid P Horse Worming Paste is effective against adult large and small redworms, ascarids, pinworms and at a double dose, some tapeworms. Strongid Horse Wormers are available online with free shipping in USA.
Effipro Duo Spot On for Dogs is a fast, effective flea and tick treatment. Effipro Duo Spot On Dogs kills fleas within 24 hour and ticks usually within 48 hours. It provides lasting protection for dogs.
Bayopet Tick Dog Collar is used for the control of ticks and fleas in dogs and effective for up to 4 months against fleas. Buy Bayopet Tick and Flea Collar for Dogs at lowest price with free shipping in USA.