3 ans et + Reliure : Piqûre à cheval Nombre d?illustrations : Plus de XX illustrations ? Contenu : Le livre se déroule par doubles pages : ? Sur la page de gauche : les éléments de décors et l?environnement de l?animal. ? Sur la page de droite :...
Cable de audio trenzado azul de 6.35 mm práctico
A sponge rubber pad cemented to aluminium backing, with smooth handle. Ideal for finish top coat render. No.38: Fine Cell Pad.No.39: Coarse Cell Pad.Fine Cell Pad.Size. 230 x 100mm (9 x 4 in).Thick 19mm (3/4 in).
These Facom 12-point OGV sockets have a 3/8 inch drive to fit 3/8 inch ratchets. They are high quality and ideal for tightening and loosening bolts, nuts and other fasteners.The sockets are available in a range metric sizes.Performance: conforms to ISO 2725-1, DIN 3124 and NF ISO 2725-1.The FCMJ17 socket has the following specifications:Socket size: 17mm.Length: 30mm.Weight: 52g.
2-teilige Acryl-Krone zum Zusammenstecken, aufhängbar, Vorder- und Rückseite klar, ca. 8 x 8 x 2,5 cm.
Lixada 25m 3 Capas Monofilamento Pesca Peces Gill Net con flotador