El Jabon Eco Masters Carrot & Argan es un pack de dos jabones y es ideal para la luminosidad de la piel. Con el objetivo de iluminar e hidratar la piel, el Jabon Eco Masters Carrot & Argan es perfecto para una limpieza diaria tanto para el cuerpo como la cara.
Estilo:Clássico,Personalizada; Ocasião:Diário; Material:Esponja; Pregos:Almofada de Mão; Características:Durável; Peso Liquido:0.065; listagem Data:10/19/2015; Categorias de Base:Ferramentas de Unhas,Cosméticos,Saúde e Beleza,Cuidado Pessoal; País popular:Polinésia Francesa
Anasor.E Crema es un tratamiento para la psoriasis eficaz y sin efectos secundarios. Notaras el alivio de los sintomas de la psoriasis rapidamente.
Mit fermentierten Pflanzenwirkstoffen für höchste Effektivität! WHAMISAs Organic Flowers Hand Cream pflegt die Hände mit Kokosnussbutter sowie fermentierten Extrakten aus Chrysanthemen und Lotusblüten. Bienenwachs sorgt zusätzlich für einen sanften Schutzfilm, der die Haut vor schädlichen Umwelteinflüssen bewahrt. Anwendung: Nach Bedarf regelmäßig anwenden. Sparsam dosieren.
Le Shampooing Douche Fraicheur Boisee Florame nettoie delicatement le corps et les cheveux en un seul geste. Formule sans sulfate1 et enrichi en Aloe Vera bio, ce gel 2 en 1 vous apporte quotidiennement douceur et energie. Sa mousse legere enveloppe le corps de notes fraiches et boisees. Pour un homme authentique, tout naturellement.
Suitable for clean laundry – also for animal care! This stain remover soap removes most of the stubborn stains before the laundry is put into the washing machine or washed by hand. Olive oil is known for its cleansing ability and is used as a basis in this natural product in its saponified form. Application: For stubborn stains, dampen the area that needs to be the place to treated and lubricate it with the soap. Let the soap saok for a few minutes. This soap is completely natural and is made exclusively from olive oil. It may also by used to cleanse the fur of pets. The soap provides a completely safe and natural way to help your pets obtain a clean and silky shiny coat! It is a pleasant feeling to know that the laundry is freshly cleansed with a wonderful fragrance, knowing that all this was made possible in an environmentally friendly way. Here you can discover the range of ecological detergents by Najel Ingredients: Olive oil, water, soda.