CoilART MAGE RTA V2 with luxury appearance is going to change your vaping experience! Its golden plated decoration makes it distinguished and elegant enough to show your high position. It features 3.5ml e-liquid capacity and a postless deck for dual coils, and 29pcs F1mm Honey Comb Airhole brings you unprecedentedly smooth airflow. With knurling design, users find it easy to screw out the top lid. CoilART MAG RTA V2 with ergonomic design will improve your vaping experience. 24K golden plated ss postless deck 29pcs F1mm diameter Honey Comb Airhole Top lid with knurling design, easy to screw out 810 drip tip 24mm diameter 3.5ml juice capacity Extra 5.5ml PCTG Bubble Tube included Extra 510 drip tip adapter included Golden plated stainless steel decoration Brand: CoilArt Model MAGE RTA V2 Diameter 24mm Capacity 3.5ml/5.5ml Size 46 x 24mm
Die beliebtesten Teesorten vereint! Diese Packung hält einiges für Sie bereits. Sie wurde mit den 8 beliebtesten Tees aus dem Sortiment von Or Tea? gefüllt, um Ihre Geschmacksnerven zu bezaubern. Probieren Sie die verschiedenen Sorten und finden Sie Ihren ganz persönlichen Liebling. Zutaten: Mount Feather: Grüner Tee* Lychee White Peony: Weißer Tee*, Litschi-Aroma, Rosenblütenblätter* EnerGinger: Zitronengras*, Ingwer*, Rosmarin*, Zitronenverbene* Tiffany's Breakfast: Black Tea* Queen Berry: Hibiskus*, Holunderbeere*, Johannisbeere*, Hagebutte*, Schwarze Johannisbeere*, Heidelbeere*, Erdbeere*, natürliche Aromen Beeeee Calm: Kamille*, natürliche Aromen Duke's Blues: Schwarzer Tee*, Bergamottenaroma, Kornblumenblüten* Merry Peppermint: Süßholzwurzeln*, Pfefferminze*, Fenchel*, Basilikum*, Pfefferminzaroma *aus kontrolliert biologischer Landwirtschaft
Pour faire la vaisselle, les travaux menagers, bricolage, jardinage, . En latex ecologique provenant de la seve d heveas cultives durablement et beneficiant du label FSC de gestion durable des forets. Les recoltants de lait d hevea recoivent une remuneration equitable et une prime speciale. Rincer les gants a l eau claire apres usage . Eviter le contact des gants avec les produits petroliers ou chimiques. La proteine de latex naturel peut provoquer une reaction allergique chez les personnes sensibles.
We have teamed up with Hogs Back Brewery in Tongham, Surrey, award-winning brewers of the famous T.E.A., to develop a chocolate lager!
"As Projects go, beer and chocolate is probably about as good as it gets! The head on collision of a famous British beer maker and innovative British Chocolate maker has been as exciting as it has been rewarding, with results that taste as good as the pedigree should suggest. One of the few chocolate lagers in the world and definitely a challenge to perceived wisdom, but give it a go and be prepared to open your mind to a lager that flies in the face of convention; try it with a square or two of Montezuma's Lordy Lord chocolate bar for good measure!". Simon Pattinson, co-founder Montezuma's.Legal Notice:Under the Licensing Act 2003, it is an offence for anyone under the age of 18 to purchase or attempt to purchase alcohol.330ml - Best served: lightly chilled
Alcohol Volume: 4.5%. Please enjoy alcohol responsibly.330ml / 2.1 units. UK Chief Medical Officers recommend adults do not regularly exceed - Women 2-3 units daily. Men 3-4 units daily.