El crucero empieza a los pies de la Torre Eiffel y sigue por la orilla izquierda pasando por: Hotel des Invalides, Museo d’Orsay, Institut de France, Notre Dame de Paris y La Grand Bibliotheque. Vuelve por la orilla derecha pasando por Hotel de Ville, Museo del Louvre, Concorde, Grand Palais, Trocadero y finalment, vuelve a la Torre Eiffel. La embarcación está cubierta y ofrece vistas perfectas de París y las orillas del rio Sena.
Menú disponible en: francés, inglés, español, alemán, japonés, italiano, ruso, coreano, chino y portugués.
Menú Otoño / Invierno 2018/2019 (disponible hasta el 2 de abril de 2019)
Menú Vegetariano (disponible del 4 de abril al 2 de octubre 2018)
A Gatronomic Discovery
CREATIVE CUISINE : Bustronome offers a highly worked and inventive cuisine. Specially invited grand chefs regularly offer new culinary experiences.
A WORLD OF FLAVORS : Specially composed tasting menus offer between 4 and 6 courses. Dishes are combined with the most beautiful views of Paris.
MADE TO MEASURE : Amongst the specialities available on demand are delicious French pastries such as one would find in a traditional tea room.
Delicious views of Paris
A JOURNEY THROUGH THE MOST BEAUTIFUL PLACES IN PARIS : From the panoramic terrace, passengers can enjoy the most beautiful views of Paris, including its squares, avenues and monuments.
A CHIC, COSY ATMOSPHERE : With conviviality and sharing at the center of the Bustronome experience, we do not, unless specifically requested, offer commentated tours.
A 360° VIEW : The Bustronome stands out thanks to its exceptional panoramic glass terrace, offering striking views across the French capital.
Across more than 3,000 m of exhibition space, the German Spy Museum gives a unique insight into the world of international espionage. Viewing rare arte- facts and using high-tech exhibition technology, the visitor is introduced to the artful and often bizarre methods of spies and a range of international intelligence agencies. Immerse yourself in the interactive and multi-media exhibition and go on a journey back in time, starting with the Biblical scouts, journeying through the Cold War, to the present, all in a location soaked in history.