Come to Tenerife and visit the magnificent enclave of Loro Parque, an authentic realm of wild animals. Loro Parque is the No. 1 Zoo in the world according to the most famous review site. The whole family will love a day out at Loro Parque. Watch the dolphins, orca whales and penguins make a splash, and enjoy Lion's Kingdom, a large area where three (one male and two females) lions of the endangered Angola subspecies lives. Loro Parque houses the largest parrot collection in the world and a wide variety of terrestrial and marine mammals that leave you stunned. Conditions: Children under 3 years old have free entry but lunch is not included. Valid Photo ID is required for entry with each booking - You will be refused entry if your ID does not match the stated visitor name.
El Campo de golf de Lagos en Lumine (anteriormente Golf de PortAventura) vientos redondean el Sèquia área Mayor de pantanos, clasificado como un espacio de Interés Natural. El ambiente y el paisaje mediterráneos en que son perfectos para el relajante. Esto es el más técnicamente difícil de los tres cursos: sus Lazos diseñan las marcas un verdadero desafío para cualquier golfista. Diseñado por Greg Norman, esta Igualdad que 71 curso proporciona distancia con su 6.300 M de calles. Proveemos comida para todos los tamaño de grupos de los jugadores únicos en las vacaciones a los grupos y sociedades más grande que juegan mulitple cursos. Deberá mandar un correo electróniconos después de completar la reserva para que podamos confirmar los horario de salida y algún requisito adicional con que podemos ayudar.
Entre las atracciones históricas más famosas en el English Heritage Pass se incluye:
Stonehenge - Una de las maravillas del mundo y el monumento prehistórico más conocido de Europa
Down House, en el sur de Londres - el hogar de Charles Darwin donde escribió "El origen de las Especies"
1066 Batalla de Hastings Abbey and Battlefield, East Sussex - Descubre el campo de batalla donde se luchó por el futuro de Inglaterra
Castillo de Dover, Kent - La fortaleza inglesa más icónica, al mando de Inglaterra durante nueve siglos
Castillo de Tintagel, Cornwall - donde nació la leyenda del Rey Arturo
Audley End House & Jardines, cerca de Cambridge - una magnífica mansión de estilo jacobino rodeada de bellos jardines
Apsley House - también conocido como "Número 1 de Londres”, maravillate con el interior de esta gran casa
Osborne, Isla de Wight - La casa familiar y retiro junto al mar de la Reina Victoria
Castillo de Kenilworth y los jardines isabelinos, cerca de Warwick - una de las ruinas de Inglaterra más impresionantes
Abadía de Whitby, Yorkshire - En lo alto de un acantilado, los inquietantes restos de esta abadía inspiraron la famosa película de Bram Stoker "Drácula"
La Muralla de Adriano - Patrimonio de la Humanidad, posee una longitud de 73 millas de lado a lado, llegando a ambos mares y pasando por a través de uno de los paisajes más salvajes de la zona
Palacio y Jardines de Eltham - Experimenta la decada de la decadencia en el Palacio de Eltham, transportandote a los años 30
Brodsworth Hall y jardines, South Yorkshire - Una visión vistoriana d ela vida en una casa de campo
Acceso a la lista completa de atracciones disponibles con este pase
Beneficios para el consumidor:
Gran ahorro
Amortice este pase de gran valor visitando sólo TRES atracciones. Aunque solo lo use durante un fin de semana, ¡todavía ahorrará dinero! Cuanto más use el pase, más ahorrará.
¿Qué es el Overseas Visitor Pass?
El Pase Turístico de English Heritage es una entrada de precio fijado a todas las atracciones incluidas en el pase English Heritage durante 9 o 16 días consecutivos.
¿Qué incluye?
Entrada GRATUITA a más de 100 majestuosas casas, castillos, abadías y restos romanos y prehistóricos. Puede visitar gratuitamente todas las atracciones directamente gestionadas por el English Heritage.
No puedo visitar 100 atracciones en 9 días. ¿Por qué debería comprar el Overseas Visitor Pass?
Está claro que es muy poco plausible visitar tantas atracciones. ¡Pero la ventaja del Overseas Visitor Pass es que amortiza el pase sólo con tres visitas!
¿Cuánto ahorraré?
Se dará cuenta de la ventaja que supone este pase tan pronto haga su primera visita. Por ejemplo, el precio de la guía más la entrada combinada de adulto para el Castillo de Dover, el Campo de Batalla y la Abadía de la Batalla de Hastings, el Castillo de Walmer y sus jardines, y el Hogar de Charles Darwin, Down House – sólo por estas atracciones el precio es de £54,65. Con su pase Overseas Visitor Pass ahorrará más de 30€.
Recuerde que puede visitar tantas atracciones como quiera. ¡Cuánto más atracciones visites, más ahorrará!
Si mi estancia es menor a 9 días, ¿tiene sentido que compre este pase?
Sí, el Overseas Visitor Pass se amortiza aproximadamente después de 3 visitas, ¡por lo que puedo ahorrar desde el primer día de su estancia!
¿Quién puede comprar el pase?
El Pase está disponible sólo para visitantes de otros países. Se pedirá una prueba de su residencia cuando visite alguna atracción.
El pase está disponible para grupos e individuos. Los grupos deberán contactar primero con el sitio que quieran visitar con una lista del nombre de los miembros del grupo, para que puedan realizar las tarjetas de acreditación y asegurarse de que hay suficientes guías para todos.
¿Necesitan los niños un pase para ellos solos?
El Pase Familiar es válido para dos adultos y hasta cuatro otros miembros de la familia con menos de 19 años residentes en la misma dirección. A parte del Pase Familiar, no hay pases con precio reducido para niños. Los niños por debajo de 5 años tienen acceso gratuito, y los niños de hasta 15 añospagarán entradas reducidas de precio en algunas de las atracciones históricas..
¿Durante cuánto tiempo es válido el pase?
El Overseas Visitor Pass es válido para periodos de 9 o 16 días consecutivos.
¿Cómo se activa mi pase?
Su pase será validado en el primer sitio que usted visite y puede usarse a partir de entonces durante los siguientes 9 o 16 días consecutivos.
¿Cuándo abren las atracciones?
La mayoría de las propiedades abren a las 10:00 h en verano. Casi todos cierran del 24 al 26 de diciembre y el 1 de enero. Todos los lugares tienen horario reducido durante verano (octubre a marzo).
Los horarios de apertura exactos están listados en la guía “Englis Heritage Members’ & Visitors’ Handbook”, que se incluye con el Overseas Visitor Pass.
¿Qué documentos necesito traer para recoger mi pase?
Necesitará imprimir la confirmación de su reserva (su vale de 365Tickets), y deberá llevar con usted la tarjeta de crédito con la que hizo la reserva.
También debe tener una prueba de identidad, ya sea un pasaporte, documento de identidad o carnet de conducir para autentificar que es el propietario válido del vale y demostrar que es un residente extranjero. También sirven fotocopias de buena calidad.
¿Qué ocurre si me roban el pase?
El pase no es transferible ni reembolsable y tampoco se puede reemplazar en caso de robo o perdida.
Highlights Get up close and personal with bottlenose dolphins in a way you never thought was possible. Admire as an inquisitive dolphin swims to you, so that you can enjoy a kiss and a cuddle. Strok the dolphin, and then watch as the marine mammel shows off its high-energy antics. Be educated about dolphins with interesting facts. Dolphin Bay Encounter Ticket Includes 30-minute shallow water dolphin encounter Complimentary same day access to Aquaventure Waterpark 30-minute check-in/changing 15-minute orientation with a Marine Mammal Specialist Bottled Water / Soft Drinks Wet suits and/or vests are provided and required while in the water Towels and lockers - for your use during the interaction only Limited to just 10 guests per dolphin Dolphin Bay Encounter Ticket Excludes Excludes Dolphin Photo Fun Dolphin Bay Adventure Ticket Includes 30-minute deep water dolphin interaction including a memorable belly ride back to the shore Complimentary same day access to Aquaventure Waterpark 30-minute check-in/changing* 15-minute orientation with a Marine Mammal Specialist* Wet suits and/or vests are provided and required while in the water* Bottled Water / Soft Drinks Towels and lockers - for your use during the interaction only* Limited to just 6 guests per dolphin Dolphin Bay Adventure Ticket Excludes Excludes Dolphin Photo Fun Children under the age of 12 must be accompanied by a paying adult. Swim wear NOT PERMITTED: Abayas, saris, long shirts, long pants and jeans, underwear or similar items, street clothes, cotton shorts, any sheer or see through items. (more info) Why not combine your visit to Dolphin Bay Atlantis with other famous attractions and activities in Dubai such as Helidubai Sightseeing Tours or City Sightseeing - Dubai.
Enjoy the marine life, films and fun at Aquarium de Paris! This unique attraction in the heart of Paris combines cutting-edge sea-life displays with the most up-to date audiovisual presentation techniques. See all the drama and colour of the undersea world - up close. Discover 43 aquariums containing over 10,000 fish and marine invertebrates, including 50 sharks, a touch pool, 2 cinemas, various spectacles and informative talks giving you and your family a magical day. Walk through the 11 metre tunnel and get nose to nose with the dangerous denizens of the deep. It’s an experience like no other! There’s plenty of hands-on stuff too. Kids love the pools where you can touch and feed the fish. If you’ve never stroked a carpe now’s your chance. Discover the secrets of cinema through spectacular stage settings, interactive activities, special effects inspired by mythical scenes.. There’s something for everyone at Aquarium de Paris ! Highlights include: Stroke a sturgeon! Get up close and personal with sharks and stingrays Be a cartoon super-hero!
Zoo Miami is the ideal place for an individual, a couple, or an entire family to spend a day. As a matter of fact, visitors can travel the world in one day! They will visit Africa, Asia, the Amazon, and Australia. Zoo Miami consists of 340 developed acres with more than 3,000 animals and over 1,200 plants and trees. Guests can feed giraffes, parrots, and a rhino; ride a camel; have animal encounters; meet the keepers during scheduled Meet the Zookeeper talks throughout the day; and much more. Zoo Miami has food and drink concession stands throughout and a beautiful gift shop where you can buy that special memento that will bring back wonderful memories of Zoo Miami! ZOO MIAMI EXHIBITS AMAZON & BEYOND The 27-acre, $50 million dollar Amazon and Beyond exhibit showcases Tropical American animals such as jaguars, the largest cats in the western hemisphere; giant river otters, which can grow up to six feet long; anacondas, the mightiest snakes on earth; and harpy eagles with talons the size of grizzly bear claws. A 48,000-gallon aquarium will give visitors of being in the Amazon as the water rises above head level. Surrounded by the Village Plaza, there are three areas: the Cloud Forest, Amazon Forest, and Atlantic Forest that house more than 600 animals from the region. Throughout the forests, children can have fun in animal-inspired playgrounds and the Fiesta Children’s Fountain, a fun area that shoots out water from a motion-sensor grid. An eating concession and gift shop are located in the Fiesta Village for patrons’ convenience. ASIA Hear the exotic sounds of wild Asia as you enter Asian River Life and encounter the small-clawed river otters, clouded leopards, and Asian water monitors. Don’t miss The Falcon Batchelor Komodo Dragon Encounter that houses the largest, most powerful lizards on earth from the island of Komodo. These ancient beasts, the national treasure of Indonesia, reach nearly 10 feet in length and weigh up to 300 pounds. Among the spectacular temple ruins of Angkor Wat from Cambodia prowl the powerful, majestic Sumatran tigers. The Kaziranga Camp Rhino Encounter allows visitors to feed an endangered Greater One-horned Indian rhino. Don’t miss seeing these incredible animals! THE AMERICAN BANKERS FAMILY AVIARY, WINGS OF ASIA Proclaimed a "best bet" by Sky Magazine and "unrivaled" by American Way Magazine, the American Bankers Family Aviary, Wings of Asia, the largest Asian-themed aviary in the Western hemisphere houses exotic, rare and endangered Asian birds representing about 85 species of more than 350 birds, including brilliantly colored pheasants, hornbills and pigeons, who show off their shimmering, iridescent plumage in a large, lush free-flight enclosure that provides the birds unencumbered flight. Tiny and large birds swoop overhead, perch on branches and even strut and stroll right by the visitor. Aquatic birds can be observed swimming above and below water from the air-conditioned Observation Center, and from behind two waterfalls from the Potamkin Conservation Center. The air is alive with beautiful bird songs, trickling brooks and five waterfalls. The Avian Dinosaur Connection Did you know that Tyrannosaurus Rex is a relative of the tiny mandarin duck? It is believed that dinosaurs became extinct some 65 million years ago. Although the magnificent T-Rex and agile velociraptor are no longer roaming our planet, many scientists believe there is one lineage of dinosaur thriving today. We call them birds. Visitors are encouraged to learn about the similarities and relationships between birds and dinosaurs in the pre-flight area in the Wings of Asia Temple Building. AFRICA Embark upon an African safari to observe gerenuk, pygmy hippos, giant eland, and Greater kudu. Reticulated giraffes, ostriches, Grant’s zebras and gazelles graze together on the African Plains. See the most beautiful eyelashes in nature up close while hand-feeding the giraffes at the Samburu Giraffe Feeding Station. Experience the forests of the Dark Continent as you encounter the family life of the powerful silverback lowland gorillas and the chimpanzees. Many other fascinating animals are to be discovered in Africa, including the critically endangered Black rhinoceros, whimsical wart hogs, Cape hunting dogs, okapi, and the threatened elephants. THE AMERICAS Meet the Andean condors, squirrel and howler monkeys, emerald tree boas, poison dart frogs, Cuban crocodiles, and Orinoco crocodiles from Central and South America. Iguanas, white lip anoles, and caiman lizards also lurk about. Giant Galápagos tortoises from Ecuador will amaze you. AUSTRALIA An international safari is not complete without a trip Down Under. Meet New Guinea’s singing dogs and Australia’s Matschie’s tree kangaroos, emu, and koalas. Visitors will also enjoy handfeeding parakeets, cockatiels and rosellas at Wings Down Under: A Parrot Feeding Adventure. DR. WILDE’S WORLD Dr. Wilde’s World provides hands-on interactive exhibits in a magnificent air-conditioned gallery. More than just displays to look at, this air-conditioned 7,000-square-foot exhibit invites visitors to touch and investigate a wide variety of artifacts and unique specimens. When searching for tiny marvels through a microscope, the adventures at Dr. Wilde’s World are sure to engage the explorer in all of us! A beautifully landscaped plaza that comes to life with large sculptures of animals from river habitats around the world surrounds the museum. Sounds of birds, insects and the river animals fill the air. Traveling exhibits included The World of Giant Insects, The Scoop on Poop, Reptiles: The Beautiful and the Deadly, Discovering Chimpanzees: The Remarkable World of Jane Goodall, and National Geographic’s Crittercam: The World Through Animal Eyes During Halloween, the museum turns into Dr. Wilde’s Creepy House, which will make you scream with unparalleled chills and thrills. THE CHILDREN’S ZOO The Children’s Zoo is home to Humpy’s Camel Rides, which allow zoo visitors to sit high atop a graceful camel. Riders experience the traditional form of transportation used by the desert people of Africa and Asia for thousands of years. The South African meerkats are a show all unto themselves, and visitors can get a fun-filled, close-up view as these animals dig their tunnels, stand sentry and frolic together. Beautiful butterflies busily pollinate the flowers and shade trees in the Butterfly Garden where you can observe the stages of development in the life of a butterfly. Kids of all ages enjoy the Wildlife Conservation Carousel with 30 handcrafted replicas of endangered animals. Animal Tales shows feature local and exotic wildlife. And the Wacky Barn, allows guests to pet and feed sheep, miniature horses, goats, alpaca, and many more farm animals. Zoo Miami’s upcoming Florida: Mission Everglades exhibit will showcase some of our state’s most amazing and treasured natural wonders to our more than one million yearly visitors. Opening in 2016, Florida: Mission Everglades will immerse visitors in native Florida ecosystems including the Everglades, pine rock lands and coastal habitats. Signature Florida species represented may include the Florida panther, flamingos, wood storks, bald eagle, herons, pelicans, black bear, crocodiles, alligators, bay and coastal fishes, and all five of Florida’s native venomous snakes. Florida: Mission Everglades will celebrate our state’s incredible diversity and the zoo’s unique ability to deliver an unparalleled experience. This exhibit will give us an opportunity to showcase our commitment to wildlife conservation and our belief that one of the greatest legacies we can leave future generations is the opportunity to experience nature as close to its original pristine state as possible.