Mit seinem sortentypischen fruchtigen Duft und dem leuchtenden Gelb mit grünlichen Reflexen ist dieser Chardonnay auf den ersten Eindruck ein Genuss. Auch im Geschmack finden sich die Charakteristika der Rebsorte, machen ihn zu einem frischen, duftigen Wein.
Elena Walch Sauvignon Blanc Vigna Castel Ringberg Alto Adige DOC Kräftiges Gelb, feine Duftnoten von Banane und Pfirsich, blumiger Charaktermit Holundernoten, etwas rauchige Töne, salzig-mineralischer Körper mit eleganter, würziger Struktur und kräftigem Abgang. Passt zu: Nudelgerichten, Meeresfischen, Krustentieren und Muscheln.
Aspire brings you yet another great new mod and tank kit. Introducing the even more powerful, more up to date, Skystar Revvo kit. It's a dual 18650, 210 watt mod with a 1.3 inch touch screen and the revolutionary Revvo tank. Aspire has broken the mold for a tank of this type and brings you an all new concept in coils, the flat Radial coil. A coil for great vapor production and excellent flavor. The tank itself comes in a TPD compliant 2ml version and a standard 3.6ml version. It has adjustable top airflow and is top fill, it is simplicity itself to fill, change coils and even replace the glass. Revvo clearomizer features: -- New ARC(Aspire Radial Coil) technology -- Spring loaded filling tube for top refilling -- Adjustable top airflow by way of 3 airflow slots -- Come with a protective silicone cap -- 510 threading connection -- 24mm overall diameter SkyStar mod features: -- 1.3inch OLED touch screen -- Houses dual 18650 batteries (sold separately) -- Temperature control at100-315'C/ 200-600'F -- Multiple protection: Automatic cutoff Over discharge/charge protection Over heat protection Battery reverse protection -- Continuous fire time is adjustbale from 5 to 15 seconds -- The Skystar can be charged via the Micro-USB port. When charging the screen will display 2 flashing battery icons, voltage level, charge current as well as charge time. The charging port can also be used to update the firmware. -- 510 threading connection Brand: Aspire Wattage Range 5-210W Voltage Range 0.5-9.0V Coil Resistance 0.1-0.5ohm Output Modes VW/ VV/ BYPASS/ TC/ CPS Tank Capacity 3.6ml Diameter 24mm Size 132 x 50 x 33mm
Sage Is An Evergreen Herb With Highly Aromatic Leaves, Traditionally Used With Pork, Cheese And Bean Dishes. Common Sage Is A Great Variety For Culinary Use And The Pretty Flowers Also Attract Beneficial Insects Such As Common Sage Herb Plantssupplied As 3 Healthy Growing Sage Plants In 9 Cm Potsbroad Leaf Variety Perfect For Culinary Usesedible Flowers Can Be Used To Dress Saladsflowers Attract Beneficial Insectsgrown Pesticide Freedelivery From Late April Onwards
Rotwein mit kräftiger Struktur und komplexen Aromen von reifen Schwarzkirschen, Pflaume, sowie floralen Noten Rosenblätter . Vollmundig mit süsslichen Gewürznoten, lang mit moderatem Tannin. Passt zu: Wildgerichten und kräftigen Fleischgerichten.
Gel WC detartrant senteur pinede 750ml Detartrant,nettoyant et assainissant . Le Gel WC ETAMINE DU LYS est le produit indispensable pour vos toilettes, car il les nettoie en profondeur tout en les detartrant. Des huiles vegetales et des huiles essentielles apportent une proprete plus agreable a vos toilettes en y laissant un agreable parfum de plantes. Sa composition, exempte d acide chloridrique et sulfurique, allie les proprietes detartrantes de l acide sulfamique a celles d un acide organique et de tensioactifs non ioniques a haut pouvoir detergeant. Ce produit est inerte vis a vis de l email, des plastiques et des joints en caoutchouc, et est sans danger pour les fosses septiques. Marque : Etamine du Lys Ingredients: Polycarboxylates (Acide Citrique) : moins de 5 %, Tensioactifs Anioniques (Palme) et non ioniques (Sucriere) : moins de 5 %.