Specification:OEM Part Numbers : 1K0906627AVoltage : 12 VElectric Pneumatic, Solenoid ValveLength : 79 mmHeight : 79 mmNumber of Ports : 2 Pin ConnectorQty: 1Car : For AUDI, For SEAT,For SKODAVWFeature:Waterproof, wearproof and corrosion resistant.With high electric insulativity and quick heat dispelling.Note:If you have any doubt whether this part will be suitable for your vehicle please contact us before buying stating either the full registration number or the VIN (chassis) number, and we will confirm suitability.Package Included:1 x Electromagnetic Valve
for X-Lite X-803/Ultra, X-802/R/RR/R Ultra/RR Ultra, X-702/GT, X-661, X-603 Racing version Double Action Lexan® OQ, UV 400 scratch resistant Pinlock prepared
GORE-TEX® waterproof and breathing membrane Micro-polar lining Palm reinforcement Knuckles Cuff fitting
AC³ (Aqua, Cold, Crash, Comfort)
Aqua: 5 of 5 points Cold: 4 of 5 points Crash: 4 of 5 points Comfort: 4 of 5 points
point system on manufacturer base.
The AGV Race 2 visor is for the following models: Pista Corsa GT-Veloce
ready for Pinlock Tear-Off System Anti-Scratch
*example picture