High quality canvas pencil pouch, it is wearable and washable.
36 holes, you can keep dozens of pencils organized.
Protect your pencils from damage.
Make it easier for you to carry many pencils outdoor.
Great gift for pencil drawers.
The Dipwhip is an add-on for your Dipper Vaporizer, by Dipstick Vapes. Simply take one end of the hose and attach it to your Dipper Vaporizer and your glass piece then vape like normal. It gives you the extra filtration of a water pipe with the ease of vaping your concentrates without a torch or special rig! Available in three standard glass attachment sizes. This female joint will fit male rigs only. Looking for the Male joint? Check out Dipstick Dipwhip Male sizes.
The Everbuild range of fire sealants are five hour rated, one part, emulsion acrylic based, intumescent acoustic sealants that gives a firm yet flexible seal to joints in a variety of fire rated structures. Tested following the principles of BS 476 part 20 (1987) as detailed in Warrington fire research report No. 144508/B (Feb 2005). The product, in suitably designed joints, will resist the passage of fire for up to 5-hours. The selected fillers used in this formulation also make it suitable for use as an acoustic sealant. When exposed to heat, it swells greater than 3 x its original size, so creating a char that will resist the passage of fire for up to 5 hours and no priming is required for most construction substrates. The Everbuild fire sealants are for use in joints up to 50mm wide and give excellent acoustic properties for sound deadening and the sealant is easy to apply and tool off for the perfect finish. Fast cure - tack free in 15-minutes, can be overpaintable and is Availiable in White or Brown.Areas for use; Sealing joints, voids and irregular holes in fire walls, partitions and other structures; also for maintaining the integrity of pipes and cables that penetrate them.For internal perimeter pointing of fire rated door and window frames. Colour: White.
Largo Straight Office Desk with Cantilever Legs- Maple The Largo desk is an ideal choice for any office, home office or study. This straight desk is recommended for creating desking clusters, or as an addition to the 800mm deep end of the ergonomic or wave desks in the Largo furniture range, but is also available to purchase as a single unit. features silver cantilever legs the cable management system in the legs means that cables can be concealed discreetly, but also accessed easily by removing the metal plate when needed also available in beech, oak, walnut and white features two cable access ports supplied flat packed for easy home assembly
Die Pen Roll ist gefüllt mit 24 Calli.Brush Pens fürs kreative Schreiben. Damit wächst die Lust am kreativen Tun rund ums Schreiben, Handlettering oder vielen weiteren Möglichkeiten. Ideen kreieren und in die wunderbare Welt des Handgemachten eintauchen: diese Double Tip Pens machen es möglich! Die Kombination der dünnen, abgeschrägten Kalligrafie-Spitze mit der breiten Pinselspitze garantiert eine vielfältige und kreative Gestaltung, damit das von Hand Erschaffene eine besondere Wertschätzung erlebt.
Hervorragende Qualität:
- Double-Tip mit Kalligrafie-Spitze und Pinsel
- Kalligrafie-Spitze 2 mm für exakte Linienführung
- Flexible Pinselspitze für kreatives Schreiben & Gestalten
- Tinte auf Wasserbasis
- Auswaschbar aus fast allen Textilien
- Sicherheit durch ungiftige Pigmente
Eignet sich besonders gut für:
- Handlettering und Kalligrafie
- Kreatives Gestalten und Schreiben
- Das Colorieren von Motiven
- Entspanntes, künstlerisches Schaffen
Die runde Rolle aus weichem Textil hat eine angenehme Haptik, eine Lederkordel als zweckmäßigen Verschluss und ist ein sicherer Ort um Schreibgeräte aufzubewahren. Das ideale Accessoire für jeden Schreibliebhaber, gleich welchen Alters.
High performance and instant power. The strongest ever liquid formula, available in tube and 5g precision bottle, easy-to-use control dispenser and easy brush for even coverage and difficult to reach areas. Non-drip gel formula, ideal for overhead bonding, vertical and porous surfaces.
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