In the palm of your hand, MICO is coming for you. It adopts a classic resin design on the device where the unique multicolored fluid lines look like abstract oil paintings, possessing a stylish and elegant high-gloss finish. Powered by a built-in 700mAh lithium battery, MICO is sufficient for you to enjoy vaping all day along. There are two pods included in this kit, one pod with 0.8ohm mesh coil and one pod with 1.0ohm regular coil which can offer superb MTL vaping experience; both of them have 1.7ml capacity, and you can drip your favorite e-liquid into them. Besides, one lanyard is attached in the kit for both decorative purpose and portability. EXCEPTIONAL DESIGN Built-in 700mAh Li-battery POCKET SIZE. CARRY IT WITH EASE ERGONOMICALLY DESIGNED MOUTHPIECE DECORATIVE LANYARD FOR PRACTICAL USE LARGE CAPACITY, HIGH DURABILITY FLIPTHE SWITH, START THE DEVICE INTELLIGENT LED INDICATOR SUPPORTS CHARGING RELIABLE PROTECTIONS FOR YOUR MICO Input Voltage: 3.3V-4.2V Output Voltage: 3.0V-4.0V Resistance Range: 0.6ohm-2.0ohm Size : 56.3 x 46.5 x 14.8mm Brand: Smoktech Model MICO Output Power 10-26W E-liquid Capacity 1.7ml
Sage Is An Evergreen Herb With Highly Aromatic Leaves, Traditionally Used With Pork, Cheese And Bean Dishes. Common Sage Is A Great Variety For Culinary Use And The Pretty Flowers Also Attract Beneficial Insects Such As Common Sage Herb Plantssupplied As 3 Healthy Growing Sage Plants In 9 Cm Potsbroad Leaf Variety Perfect For Culinary Usesedible Flowers Can Be Used To Dress Saladsflowers Attract Beneficial Insectsgrown Pesticide Freedelivery From Late April Onwards
Joint Venture aus Chateau Ste. Michelle und Weingut Dr. Loosen. Tiefes Purpurrot mit bläulich schimmernden Reflexen. In der Nase aromatisch intensiv und vielschichtig mit saftig süss gereifter Frucht Walderdbeeren, Himbeeren, Brombeeren, Blaubeeren, Schwarzkirschen , unterlegt mit Noten von Lakritz, Pfeffer und Lebkuchengewürzen, etwas Tabak und blumigen Anklängen. Am Gaumen samtweich, vollmundig, vielschichtig, lebendige Frucht und Würze des Bouquets sind in perfekter Balance mit feinen Noten von Rauch, schwarzen Oliven und dem saftig kraftvollen Tannin, das dem Wein enorme Länge und Potenzial verleiht, reif, sinnlich, konzentriert, fokussiert und einem grossen Chateauneuf-du-Pape absolut ebenbürtig. Passt zu: Lamm- und Rinderbraten mit provenzalischen Kräutern und Oliven, im Ofen gebratener Ente mit Lebkuchensauce, Wildgerichten mit Waldpilzen oder Preiselbeeren, gereifte, mittelkräftige Hart- und Weichkäsesorten.
Ce Nettoyant Vitres 500 ml L Artisan Savonnier est un produit nettoyant qui peut etre utilise pour les vitres mais egalement pour d autres surfaces : faiencees, vitrifiees, stratifiees, laquees, les miroirs, etc. Il peut s utiliser tout simplement pour faire briller mais se montre particulierement efficace sur des surfaces tres sales. Il est presente dans un flacon PET de 500 ml, avec un vaporisateur tres pratique. Ingredients / INCI : Moins de 5 % : agent de surface non ionique. Il contient aussi : eau, ethanol, eau florale de lavande, acide citrique. 100% des ingredients sont d origine naturelle 10% des ingredients sont issus de l Agriculture Biologique. Caracteristiques de la marque: La gamme L Artisan Savonnier a ete creee pour mettre a la portee de chacun des produits d entretien menager : tres concentres, a l efficacite remarquable et a un prix ultra-competitif.
ORIGINE : Agriculture Italie INGREDIENT : Riz arborio blanc issu de l agriculture biologique Information allergenes : 0 SPECIFICITES PRODUIT : variete speciale de riz ideale pour realiser le risotto. Texture a la fois fondante et ferme au coeur du grain. CONSEILS D UTILISATION : faire revenir 1 volume de riz arborio dans un peu de matiere grasse avec eventuellement des oignons. Remuer jusqu a ce que le grain commence a etre translucide. Ajouter progressivement au moins deux volumes de bouillon chaud et poursuivre la recette du risotto que vous avez choisie (cuisson : environ 20 minutes). A conserver dans un endroit sec et frais, a l abri de la lumiere Certifie AB
Vandy Vape Pulse Dual Kit is a new member of Pulse family. The Pulse Dual mod is the smallest dual battery squonk mod in the market at persent. It comes with ergonomic design, which sets the fire button and squonk bottle in the same side. It is easy to operate when you hold it in the hand. The Pulse Dual mod is equipped with upgraded Vandy Chip. It uses top-grade IC at an affordable cost to the consumer. It supports Power/Bypass/Voltage/TC mode to satisfy your various vaping needs. The mod also equips with a 7ml juice bottle. The Pulse V2 RDA is prefectly match with Pulse Dual mod. It includes three different airflow rings to support dual or single coil builds. The Pulse V2 RDA adopts an innovative floating deck, which supports top squonk feeding and bottom juice return design. Easy to build and avoid leakge. Smallest dual battery squonk mod in the market at present Ergonomic design brings natural feeling and ease of use Powered by dual 18650 batteries, 220W max output Temperature range at 100-315