Scan self-adhesive sign with black text/graphic. Printed using UV resistant inks. Available in a polished brass or polished chrome effect. Please note polished chrome effect signs are not recommended for exterior use. Size: 50 x 200mm.Scan polished chrome effect sign with black text/graphic. Printed using UV resistant inks. Please note this material is not recommended for exterior use. Size: 50 x 200mm.
Portable Ultraviolet Light with Mobile Shutter Ultraviolet and Ozone Double Cleaning Light Rechargeable UV Cleaner
This Yale P113 toggle lock is a surface fixing lock which swings over a frame fixed striking plate and is suitable for timber casement windows.The Yale P113 locks will give extra security to your home and is ideal for those obscure windows fitted in side allyways etc. The P113 is finished in white.Pack of Two