These super sturdy 7" Disc Perc glass pieces come in an array of vibrant colors! Each piece has a bent neck for ease of use and extra comfort when pulling from it and offer a super wide and solid base to ensure maximum stability when smoking. Every connoisseur knows a durable glass piece is a staple to their collection and these wonderful disc perc pieces are nothing short of fantastic. Featuring the iconic bow tie logo on the front; the butler has given this piece his seal of approval! Each order comes in your choice of color: yellow, black, forest green, white, or blue. This piece has a 14mm Female joint and will fit 14mm Male accessories and replacements.
Venice Office Desk Screen- Light Purple / Mauve YB069 The Venice non-linking desk screen is designed to fit the majority of desking systems available online. This stylish straight desk screen has a slim PVC trim which is available in your choice of colour; white, black or silver. This screen is supplied with 16-33mm spigot brackets as standard which allow it to fit the wide range of office desks available on our site. The Silverline Venice screen is available in a variety of sizes, including the larger 480mm high screen, and various colour options. If you would like to request a colour sample, or the colour you wish is not in the drop-down colour selection list*, please call 01355 236117 for pricing and advice. *images shown are for information purposes only, if in doubt PLEASE REQUEST A COLOUR SAMPLE or view the entire range at Camira Fabrics
These metal cases are the perfect way to keep your favorite King Size rolling papers safe in your pocket to assure that they do not get beat up in your pocket during travels. Made of durable metal, these cases have high-quality prints on them of some of your favorite rolling paper brands! Keep your papers fresh and secure with you with your favorite brand nearby when you store your papers in these cases, letting everyone know how dedicated you are to your favorite rolls!
The Mango flavored wraps are sure to be the perfect pairing to your favorite legal herb.
Die hochwertige Alpha Hängemappe ist ideal für eine platzsparende Ablage ungelochter Unterlagen im Hängezug. Geeignet für den täglichen Gebrauch. Mit Falzungen für eine individuelle Einstellung auf die Inhaltsmenge Schlitzstanzungen am Vorder- und Rückdeckel für Heftstreifen 6130 Seitlich offen Mit einem PP-Reiter und auswechselbaren Beschriftungsschildchen Maße nach DIN 821 Hergestellt aus 100% recyceltem 250 g/m² Natron-Karton, Blauer Engel Hauptmerkmale Funktionen Produktfarbe Braun Format A4 Material Pappe Etikettenhalter Ja Mediengewicht 250 g/m² Entspricht Blauem Engel Ja Gewicht & Abmessungen Breite 348 mm Tiefe 260 mm Gewicht 80 g