This is E-XY NI80 (Nichrome 80) Double-Core Fused Clapton Coil High Density Heating Wire For RDA RTA Atomizer Heating Wire DIY Building, the length is 15 Feet (5 Meters), 5M/Roll. Model: Double-Core Fused Clapton Material: NI80 Gauge: 2*28GA+36GA Name: Resistance Wire
Ein eleganter, frischer, mineralischer weisser Burgunder mit Aromen von hellen gelben Früchten. Trocken ausgebaut mit einer angenehmen und trinkfreudigen Harmonie im Geschmack begeistern sie durch ihren reinen, unverfälschten und sortentypischen Charakter. Passt zu: hellem Fleisch, Fisch, Muscheln, königlichem Gemüse, Spargel.
The SMOK Trinity Alpha Pod Kit is the latest resin kit for starters. It powered by an inbuilt 1000mAh battery. The SMOK Trinity Alpha Pod is compatible with Nord coils, so you will enjoy an amazing vaping experience with mesh coil and MTL coil. The SMOK Trinity Alpha adopts innovative push-up-type filling design, making refill easier too. The Trinity Alpha Pod Kit features three power levels, Soft/Norm/Hard, to meet your different vaping needs. Designed for the Ultimate User Experience Ergonomically Designed Power Button Push-Up-Type Filling Cap Three Modes For Better Vaping Pleasure Built-In 1000mah Battery Intelligent Battery Life Indicator Compatible with Nord Mesh coils Lateral resin panels Push-up-type filling design Soft/Norm/Hard three power levels Unique Lock Button For Pod Fixation Resistance: 0.4ohm-1.4ohm Output Voltage: 2.4 - 6.0V Input Voltage: 3.3 - 4.2V Charging Voltage: 5V Charging Current: 0.7A(max) Standby Current:
Hellvape Dead Rabbit RTA is a tank atomizer designed by Vapin' Heathen, who is a vape enthusiast, vape reviewer and designer of Dead Rabbit RDAs. This RTA will be the king of dual coil RTAs, bringing you unprecedented vaping experience. With the unique "Rabbit Ear" design, it has ample build space and generous post holes for easy building dual coil or single coil. Slide in top coil deck takes the guesswork out of pre-cutting your coil leads. The RTA also comes with adjustable top side diagonal airflow which keeps the excellent flavor and minimizes leaking. This RTA can hold 2ml e-liquid and also can be extended to 4.5ml via extra glass tube. Featuring top airflow and excellent wicking, it has no any dry hits or leaking problems, and the colorful resin 810 drip tip and the Dead Rabbit's logo make this RTA more attractive. Stainless steel construction Unique "Rabbit Ear" design Single or dual coil configurations Ample build space and generous post holes Knurled grip to remove top cap ad refill with ease 2ml or 4.5ml juice capacity with optional bubble tank Slotted or hex head post screw options Protruding 510 pin and peek insulation 510 threading connection 25mm overall diameter Brand: Hellvape Tank Capacity 2/4.5ML Coil Type Single/Dual Coil Size 37.2 x 25mm
Cette excellente Infusion Tentation Sucre bio 20 sachets 26g Bio Conseils procure des plantes Bio pour contribuer a aider a l equilibre du taux de sucres. Le fenugrec et l eucalyptus participent au maintien du taux de sucre normal dans le sang. La myrtille dispose de proprietes antioxydantes. La bardane favorise l elimination. L olivier participe a l equilibre de la tension et du taux de sucre. Sans gluten. Convient aux vegetariens. Ingredients: Myrtille, fenugrec, eucalyptus, bardane, olivier. Boite de 20 sachets-filtres : 26 g Marque: Bio Conseils Garanties: Produit issus de l agriculture biologique, certifie par Ecocert SAS - F32600 Sans utilisation de pesticides, sans OGM, conformement au mode de production biologique. Sans rayons ionisants. Sans aromes artificiels. Selection rigoureuse et tracabilite des plantes. Boite de 20 sachets hermetiques pour preserver le gout. Infusettes enveloppees dans un papier ecologique non-blanchi au chlore, qui libere parfaitement les saveurs.
Ein rund und ausbalancierter Wein mit exotischen Aromen von Maracuja, Mango, reifer Birne und etwas Physalis. Mineralische Noten, ein Hauch Früchtebrot und ein wenig Orangenschale werden durch eine cremige Fülle optimal ergänzen. Passt zu feinen Geflügelgerichten oder Schweineschnitzel mit Weissweinsauce und Bandnudeln.