rote, runde Knolle, für den ganzjährigenFreilandanbau geeignetTechnische Daten: Reichweite: ca. 6-8 lfd. m. Wuchshöhe: 15 cm Reihenabstand: 15 cm Standortansprüche: sonnig-halbschattig Aussaatzeitraum: März-August
Organic Moss Control For Lawns Is A Non-selective Moss Killer With Contact Action For Use On Lawns And Turf. The Biodegradable Product Fights Moss Effectively And In An Environmentally Friendly Way.its Active Ingredient Is Pelargonic Acid Which Also Occurs Naturally In Plants. This Ingredient Guarantees Fast Visible Results Without Harming The Lawn. The Moss Turns Brown Quickly And Can Easily Be Raked Out Of The Moss Control For Lawns Can Easily Be Applied With A Watering Can. It Works Even At Low Temperatures And Doesnt Leave Any Brown Rust Stains On Stepping Stones That May Have Accidentally Been Splashed.once The Product Has Dried, Pets Can Be Released Onto Treated Areasfast Visible Resultsnon-selective Moss Killer With Contact Actionfor Use On Lawns And Turfeffective At Low Temperaturesbiodegradablesuitable For Use In Gardens And On Allotmentsmix 17 Ml With 1l Of Water To Treat One Square Meter Of Lawndrench The Moss Thoroughly To Guarantee An Optimum Absorption Of The Active Ingredientsupplied In A 1 Litre Concentrate Bottle
Beschreibung BOSCH Akku-Laubbläser ALB 18 LI ohne Akku/ ohne Lader. Features Maximale Mobilität: Der Akku-Laubbläser verleiht die Freiheit, überall zu arbeiten 18-Volt-Lithium-Ionen-Akku. Gestattet 10 Minuten ununterbrochenen Betrieb, ideal für die meisten Anwendungen GPS-Receiver: SiRF Atlas V (TMC) Gebläsegeschwindigkeit: Luftstrom von max. 210 km/h ? volle Kraft für Terrassen und mittelgroße Gärten Leicht: Nur 1,8 kg, deshalb nur minimale Beanspruchung der Arme bei der Arbeit Softgrip für bequemes Arbeiten in jeder Position Platzsparende Aufbewahrung durch abnehmbares Gebläserohr Lieferumfang: Gerät ohne Akku, ohne Ladegerät, Blasrohr
The Stiga SLM 3648 AE 48v Cordless Lawnmower uses the Stiga 48v, 5Ah lithium-lon battery, which are interchangeable with all the Stiga 48v cordless tool range. This lightweight cordless mower offers practical cable-free mowing, plus it’s environmentally-friendly due to its fume-free battery power.Able to mow up to 200m2 on a single charge, the The Stiga SLM 3648 AE comes with a cutting width of 34cm. The cuttings heights have 6 settings which range from 25-75mm and are easy to change with a single lever adjustment. The Stiga SLM 3648 AE is built with their 3 in 1 grass cutting technology, which function’s allow you to either collect grass cuttings into the grass box or return cuttings back to the lawn. The grass box has a 35L capacity and a handy window so you can monitor the grass levels. The mulching function discharges the cuttings via the rear of the mower. The grass clippings are cuts it into very tiny pieces which are distributed back onto the lawn, this method adds to the health of the lawn by adding nutrients and deterring moss.The The Stiga SLM 3648 AE is designed with a lightweight polypropylene chassis. The larger rear wheels make the mower easier to manoeuver across uneven ground. The handles are soft-grip for comfort and fold for storage.Comes complete with the Stiga SBT 5048AE 5.0Ah battery, Stiga SCG48AE battery charger and mulch plug.Specifications:Type: 4 wheel rotary cordless, hand-propelledMotor: 500w DigiTorq BrushlessBattery Required: 48v Lithium-IonBattery charging time: 2 hoursStarter: Push ButtonChassis: PolypropyleneCutting Width: 34cmCutting Heights: 6 from 25-75mmCutting Height Adjustment: Single LeverGrass Collection: 35 litres, rigid plastic with window3-in-1 Collection and mulchingWheels Size: Front 140mm, Rear 170mm groovedHandles: Folding and Soft GripWeight: 12kgManufacturer Warranty: 2 years (terms and conditions apply)
Five Spray Patterns The fine mist spray is perfect for watering tender seedlings, the gentle soft spray or bubble-jet enables accurate watering of planted areas or planters, and the hard jet or flat jet can be used to efficiently complete cleaning tasks. Comfortable handling The soft plastic components provide the Premium Multi Sprayer with a secure grip. The ergonomic trigger with integrated lock and the single-finger water flow adjustment make handling particularly pleasant. Metall-Brause für variable Bewässerungs- und Reinigungsaufgaben mit fünf Sprühbildern. Frostsicher. Die GARDENA Premium Multibrause ist für unterschiedliche Bewässerungs- und Reinigungsaufgaben geeignet, denn sie bietet fünf verschiedene Sprühbilder. Vom feinen Sprühstrahl, über einen sanften Brause- und Perlstrahl zur Bewässerung bis hin zu einem Voll- oder Flachstrahl für die effektive Reinigung. Am Brausekopf und am Anschlussstück ist die Multibrause mit Metallelementen versehen und daher extrem widerstandsfähig.
A John Deere engine service kit suitable for X495, X595, X740, X748 models with the Yanmar 3TNE74C engine.