XP100 Intense Radiance permanent hair colouring cream is formulated using the highest level of ingredients to ensure 100% covering power and long lasting intense shades. High level direct acting pigments ensure long lasting healthy colours. The range consists of over 70 natural and reflex shades including coppers, violets, chocolates and ash series ensuring a fully comprehensive range for any hairdresser. XP100 Intense Radiance is developed with your client in mind. The formulation has been developed and designed to care for your hair throughout the colouring process. Infused with nine essential herbs including Eucalyptus, Artemisia, Mint, Nettle, Fennel, Lavender, Thyme, Rosemary and Helichrysum to condition and strengthen the hair. Rosemary oil is key to the formulation for its antioxidant and stimulating properties to ensure unprecedented shine and condition whilst innovative high quality pigments ensure long lasting stable shades.
[Layered] 2 layers design makes it easier to classify and store hairdressing tools.
[Firm Waterproof] With several fixing bands, fix tools tightly, PU surface, waterproof.
[Portable] Perfect for home use and even outdoor carry.
[Large capacity] Meet your demands. Help you organize scissors and clips in order.
[Convenient] Appropriate size, convenient and comfortable to hold in hand.
Decouvrez l apres shampoing solide mangue et aloe bio 60g Sante. L apres shampooing solide mangue aloe vera Sante permet d avoir une demarche beaucoup plus ecologique en epargnant les couts de transport de marchandise et en epargant les contenants en plastique. Cet apres shampoing solide mangue et aloe vera Sante est destine aux cheveux secs, en apportant une formule hydratante, nourrissante et protectrice. En effet, l huile d amande douce et le beurre de karite vont aider a hydrater tout en regenerant le cuir chevelu et la trame capillaire ; le beurre de mangue et le beurre de cacfao sont ultra nourrissants ; le jus d aloe vera est adoucissant et va aider a calmer les irritations; alors que la proteine de soja hydrolysee va apporter des acides amines permettant de regenerer la trame capillaire. Sante Naturkosmetik est une societe allemande specialisee dans l hygiene certifiee Bio par l organisme Natrue.
Le Shampoing Anti-Pelliculaire Dandrene est ideal pour sadresser aux problemes de pellicules et de cheveux gras. Il soulage egalement irritations et demangeaisons du cuir chevelu. A utiliser 4 fois par semaine. Resultats visibles rapidement. Convient a tout type de cheveux, cheveux teints inclus.