Produkteigenschaften: Die neue Tagespflege für fettige und zu Akne neigende Haut, basierend auf dermatologischen Inhaltsstoffen natürlichen Ursprungs: Wirksamkeit: Mit 2% Salicylsäure werden Pi...
La Propolis est une resine naturelle recueillie par les abeilles a partir de certains vegetaux. Ces dernieres la transforment au sein de la ruche en un mortier defensif, aux proprietes exceptionnelles. Le Spray Propolis aux 59 plantes biologiques a ete specialement developpe pour contribuer a la purification et a la protection de la bouche et des voies respiratoires. Sa haute teneur en Propolis, antibiotique naturel, lui confere des qualites naturelles insoupconnees : anti-bacteriennes, immunitaires, anti-allergiques, anti-tabagique, cicatrisantes, anti-inflammatoires, anti-stress,. Les 59 plantes biologiques completent son efficacite par une action tonique et digestive. Conseils d utilisation : Pulveriser directement dans la bouche 2 a 3 fois par jour, en prevention ou en traitement. Certfie par ECOCERT Certifie AB
brand name: xuangouxgcn feature: hard-wearing,light weight,anti-slippery,light fit: fits true to size, take your normal size gender: welcome ask me at time
Repellents vorsichtig verwenden. Vor Gebrauch stets Etikett und Produktinformationen lesen. Produkteigenschaften: Autan® Tropical Spray schützt bis zu 8h vor heimischen und tropischen Mücken. W...
Opti-Free RepleniSH Twin Pack (2*300ml) - contact lens solution from Alcon.
Please read the baby's description and relevant instructions carefully before taking another picture. The buyer shall be deemed to have agreed to all relevant information the and characte. Order the corresponding color card numberThe best-selling products will be delivered within 24 hours, except special products and customized products. We default to send Shentong expres. About color difference Due to the color difference of the light, light color temperature and photos. and the color deviation of the display, there may be a slight color difference between. Please read the above information carefully before purchase to avoid unnecessary misunderstanding. We hope to bring you a happy shopping experience with quality products and services! Welcome to our store and you a happy shopping. Our product reputation is guaranteed, all pictures are taken in kind, please rest assured to buy.