Dem Himmel so nah. Das Rast Möbeldesign Massivholzbett Cielo ist in seiner Sachlichkeit ein stilvolles und hochwertiges Schlafmöbel, das modernen Ansprüchen gerecht wird.
Gradlinig und elegant. Beim Rast Möbeldesign Modularbett Due können Sie sich Ihre persönliche Kopfteillehne auswählen. Das gradlinige Massivholzbett kombiniert traditionelle Eckverbindungen des Schreinerhandwerkes mit innovativem Design und wird höchsten Ansprüchen gerecht.
Brescia rectangular poseur table with flat square brushed steel bases 1200mm x 800mm - whiteThe Brescia collection of tables features simple, contemporary lines and its expansive product offering supports virtually any workplace environment. Brescia tables are offered in a variety of sizes, shapes and heights. Supporting the 25mm table tops, available in 5 finishes, is a matching central column and slim square base in a black, brushed steel or white finish which wouldn?t look out of place in any modern workplace.Features Include :Rectangular poseur tables with square column and flat square baseBase and column available in black and brushed steel25mm table tops available in beech, maple, oak, walnut and whiteVersatile and adaptable tables offer users a comfortable dining position for eatingRange of square, rectangular and circular tables which will add charm and warmth to any office breakout room or caf
Bed Metal Black and Red Brucciato with mattress 180 x 200 cm
The Cube floor standing headboard fits perfectly with a selection of stylish divan and adjustable beds. Made with sturdy chipboard, the headboard is strong and has a thick layer of hard wearing foam which makes it comfortable to lean against if you want to sit up in bed. Made in the UK with a wide selection of fabrics and colours to choose from you will be sure to find the colour that suits you, we also give you the option to choose dimante buttons or matching fabric buttons for this headboard.
Sinnlich und formvollendet. Das Rast Möbeldesign Massivholzbett Lounge verbindet handwerkliche Leidenschaft mit Kreativität und Lifestyle. Klassisches Design in höchster Material- und Formvollendung. Voller Esprit und zugleich die Sinne verwöhnend.