Nettoyant visage solide Peau seche et sensible parfum hibiscus 25g Lamazuna Le nettoyant visage solide peau seche et sensible Le Nettoyant visage solide Peau seche et sensible parfum hibiscus 25g Lamazuna est un produit nettoyant specialement concu pour les personnes ayant une peau seche et sensible. Presente sous forme de solide, homme et femme peut l utiliser. Parfume a l hibiscus, ce produit est a 100 % francais et vegane. Specificites du produit Presente sous forme de petit nuage, le Nettoyant visage solide Peau seche et sensible parfum hibiscus 25g Lamazuna est fabrique a base de divers composants vegetaux et mineraux. Nettoyant respectant la nature et l environnement, il est fait a base d ingredients issus de l agriculture biologique, d origine naturelle ainsi que des elements naturellement presents dans les huiles essentielles. C est un condense de produits 100 % vegane visant a radoucir et a nourrir la peau en profondeur.
Eponge Konjac pour le visage 100% vegetale et biodegradable Benecos. Fabriquee a partir de fibres de racines de Konjac. Contient du charbon de bambou Action exfoliante et absorbante Eponge Konjac Pour Le Visage 100% Vegetale Benecos reference par Mondebio.
Biodegradable body cleansing tool The plant-based konjac sponge is enriched with raspberry extract to mildly cleanse the skin, remove dead skin cells, soothe the skin and does not cause any irritation. Thus, the cleansed skin is better equipped to absorb subsequent body care products. The biodegradable konjac sponge has a practical shape and soft texture that leaves the skin radiantly beautiful and looking healthy. Application: Soak the sponge in warm water to soften. Gently squeeze out any excess water and use in conjunction with a mild soap (Le Cajoleur) or its own. Follow with the "Le Coach Fermeté" or "La Surdouée". Important to note: Rinse the sponge after use, gently squeeze out any excess water and leave to dry. Do not store the sponge in water. The sponge can be used for 2 - 3 months, depending on how well it is cared for and how often it is used. Replace the sponge once it starts to break or crumble. The old sponge can be disposed of in the organic waste bin.
The U-breast device is ergonomically designed for breasts, with five individualised massage modes and an LCD display panel with built-in control. U-breast uses adjustable hypoallergenic electrodes, and is small & discreet and comes with Transonic Gel.