10 bezaubernde filigrane Engelsflügel mit Loch (Ø ca. 1,5 mm) zum Auffädeln, Design 7, ca. 3,7 cm, silberfarben. Material: Zink-Legierung. Ideal zum Gestalten von Perlen-Engeln.
I only sell replica coins for collections, none of the coins I sell are original. Please don't buy them as the original coins. I sell these copied coins only want to make your collections more perfect. and if you did not find the coins you want. you can send samples to us. we can make custom coins.
Features: Metal iron art. Unique design, small and cute shape. Environmental baking paint, beautiful and practical. Altogether 6 different color to choose. Excellent molding technique. Suitable for interior decoration: living room, kitchen, study room, etc.
condition:brand new and 100% dimension:40mm*3mm(1.57"*0.12") design:double sides packing detail:1 pc with acrylic cover usage:souvenir collection&souvenir art&collectible business gift reminders: this is a replica copy of the original and has no monetary value this is sold only to make your collection better. we assume no responsibility for authentic representation. we will not be liable for any reproductions representation may cause. this is a replica item.
Funkelndes Bügelstrass-Design mit besonders facettenreichen, klaren Glas-Steinen, DIN A4 Bogen, Design 2. Anleitung: Schneiden Sie das gewählte Bügelstrass-Design gegebenenfalls inklusive beider Folien grob aus. Ziehen Sie die Klebefolie mit dem Bügel-Design von der weißen Trägerfolie ab. Legen Sie das Motiv mit der Klebeseite auf den gewünschten Untergrund und drücken Sie die Folie gut an. Dre...
Round Dyed Natural Striped Agate/Banded Agate Beads Strands, IndigoSize: about 8mm in diameter, hole: 1mm, about 48pcs/strand, 15.2".Due to the beads are dyed, the color may vary slightly.