Services Enjoy one of our meal deals along with your great day out Our park is known for its variety of gastronomic services. If you are looking for a salad, a light meal, a pizza or a hamburger come and eat at our tranquil terraces. Gift Shop Our shop offers a broad range of water park products such as swimwear, sun creams, towels, armbands, sunglasses, footwear and souvenirs to remember your unforgettable visit to our park.
Dreampix Photo Pass Memories should be shared, so, we’ve made sure guests can take their most memorable moments home, with the smiles, laughter and excitement all captured on camera. The experienced DreamPix team are on hand to take unlimited photos of your fun-filled experience. Whether it be roving around the park or snapshotting you meeting your favourite characters or DreamWorks Heroes. The stationary fast-twitch cameras will also capture all the thrills on your favourite rides. Photos can be downloaded and printed at the DreamPix in-store kiosks. And if you prefer to be behind the lens – cameras and other accessories can also be purchased at the DreamPix photo store, located near the park’s front entrance.
A medida que sube con el teleférico prepárese para notar la diferencia de temperatura. Cuando llegue a la estación de montaña, desembarcará para ver todas las instalaciones, que incluyen plataformas de observación, un bar de cócteles y lugares para comer. Podrá ver una breve película sobre la construcción del tranvía y pasearse por el Parque Estatal Monte San Jacinto. Camine por más de los 80 km de senderos a pie durante el verano o en raquetas de nieve o esquís durante el invierno. En el restaurante Peaks vivirá una experiencia culinaria en las nubes. Vistas espectaculares combinadas con deliciosa comida le proporcionan la experiencia perfecta. A parte de este restaurante, también encontrará el café Pines, un restaurante al estilo de una cafetería. Los dos locales están abiertos a la hora de comer y cenar. En la zona, también encontrará el Lookout Lunge, un bar de cócteles que ofrece una gran variedad de bebidas alcohólicas y aperitivos. Otra de las cosas que encontrará en la estación de montaña son plataformas de observación, un pequeño museo de historia natural, dos teatros con películas sobre el parque estatal, una tienda de recuerdos y más de 80 km de caminos. Excursionismo El Parque Estatal Monte San Jacinto ofrece 90km de senderos ubicados en un área virgen de 5660 hectáreas, de las últimas en California. Saliendo de la estación de tranvía de montaña y descendiendo por un sendero de aproximadamente 4km se accede a todos los senderos hasta Long Valley. En Long Valley hay mesas de picnic, agua, estación de guardabosques, inodoros y algunos senderos fáciles. Winter Adventure Center El Adventure Centre cuenta con equipos de esquí de fondo y raquetas de nieve disponibles para alquilar. El centro es estacional, por favor revise las fechas de la temporada. Paseos guiados por la naturaleza Los paseos guiados por la naturaleza, que están disponibles en los meses de verano, son una manera maravillosa de aprender sobre el entorno natural en la cima del tranvía. Esquí de fondo Los entusiastas del esquí de fondo han descubierto que el parque estatal es insuperable en su desafiante terreno. Puede traer su propio equipo o puede alquilar esquís, botas y bastones en el Adventure Center. Diversión familiar en la nieve Personas de todas las edades pueden disfrutar de la diversión invernal, y solo se necesitan unos pocos centímetros de nieve. Encontrará trineos y ropa para el clima frío en la tienda de regalos Mountain. Raquetas de nieve Para aquellos que quieran dar un paseo durante el inviern, hay alquiler de raquetas de nieve disponibles. Los permisos Wilderness se requieren para cualquier persona que se aventure fuera de Long Valley, y se pueden obtener en la Estación Ranger en Long Valley. Dónde comer Las espectaculares vistas combinadas con una deliciosa comida brindan la experiencia culinaria perfecta. Hay dos opciones para comer en la parte superior del teleférico de Palm Springs: Peaks - una excelente experiencia gastronómica con una vista impresionante del valle de Coachella. Pines - una cafetería informal. Ambos restaurantes están abiertos para el almuerzo y la cena. El Lookout Lounge es un bar de cócteles que ofrece una variedad de bebidas alcohólicas y aperitivos y se encuentra en el mismo nivel que los restaurantes. Venga y disfrute de las impresionantes vistas del teleférico de Palm Springs. ¡Será una experiencia que será difícil de olvidar! Las reservas no son necesarias o aceptadas. Los vales se pueden usar en cualquier día de funcionamiento dentro de los 6 meses posteriores a la fecha de compra. Aparcamiento Disponible en la estación Valley. La tarifa de estacionamiento para automóviles y camionetas es de $ 8.00 por automóvil/camioneta. La tarifa de estacionamiento no se aplicará a los autobuses y clientes con identificación local. Requisitos de edad: Entrada para niños: 3 - 12 años. Los niños menores de 3 años entran gratis, pero requieren una tarjeta de embarque. Tenga en cuenta La estación del valle, la estación de montaña y los tranvías son accesibles para discapacitados. El cupón de su vale electrónico se cambiará por un vale cronometrado a su llegada. Recordatorio: asegúrese de descargar su vale antes de su llegada, ya que no hay cobertura en el tranvía.
Tanque Interactivo de Tiburones y Rayas (Fundación The Trust Family) Los visitantes de esta exposición podrán alcanzar y tocar suavemente la parte posterior de las rayas gavilán, de las rayas del Atlántico y de los tiburones, mientras nadan con gracia a través del agua cristalina. La exposición muestra estas increíbles especies de una manera que pone de relieve su importancia para un ecosistema marino sano y hace hincapié en la importancia de la conservación de los hábitats costeros, como los manglares y las lagunas. Abierto todos los días a partir de las 9:30 am. Centro de Mamíferos Marinos (Fundación New Balance) Conozca a estos enérgicos osos marinos Árticos y leones marinos de California, y descubra cómo puede ayudarles en su hábitat natural. Contemple a los leones marinos de California lanzarse rápidamente al agua y a los agiles osos marinos Árticos juguetear en esta hermosa sala de exposiciones al aire libre. Descubra los desafíos a los que se enfrentan los mamíferos marinos en su hábitat natural, y obtenga una nueva perspectiva los viernes con las sesiones especiales de formación de New Balance. Foca Común del Atlántico Los visitantes podrán disfrutar de las focas del Atlántico en su exhibición en la plaza del acuario, antes de comprar las entradas. Vea las focas nadar, jugar y descansar. Aprenda más sobre ellas y vea algunos de sus comportamientos mientras trabajan con los entrenadores sus entrenamientos libres a lo largo del día. Centro Interactivo Planeta Azul Esta nueva exposición es parte de la reciente reforma integral del acuario, una transformación para el siglo XXI. Esta área de exhibición presenta los serios desafíos a los que se enfrentan los océanos y muestra el liderazgo mundial del acuario en la búsqueda de soluciones con una combinación de pantallas interactivas, presentaciones representativas y exposiciones de pequeños animales vivos. Idiomas Hay guías del acuario en español, mandarín, alemán, francés, italiano y portugués de Brasil, y están disponibles en la recepción del acuario bajo petición. Duración Haga planes para pasar de 1 ½ a 2 horas en el Acuario. Si quiere visitar también IMAX film, tendrá una duración de 45 minutos más. EXPOSICIONES DESTACADAS Las Ciencia de los Tiburones Adéntrese en lo más profundo de la Ciencia de los Tiburones con esta nueva exposición del Acuario de Nueva Inglaterra. Vea de cerca algunos de los pequeños pero poderosos tiburones de todo el mundo. Las actividades prácticas destacan la increíble adaptación de los tiburones que los ha hecho los reyes del mar, y los tanques táctiles les permitirán ver (¡y sentir!) estas adaptaciones en acción. El Acuario de Nueva Inglaterra es el lugar perfecto para descubrir que estos magníficos predadores oceánicos son todavía más increíbles de lo que pensaba. Tentacles Take Hold - ¡NUEVO! ¡Prepárese para verse envuelto en tentáculos! Busque el pulpo gigante del Pacífico en su hábitat, recientemente ampliado, lleno de especies que se encuentran en las profundidades heladas del noroeste del Pacífico. Tenga cuidado con la sepia y su tinta, las medusas… Disfrute de vistas 360º de un espectacular arrecife de coral del Caribe con más animales que nunca. En el 2013, el acuario acabó de terminar una reforma que ha renovado su edificio principal hasta la médula, y el icónico Tanque Oceánico Gigante se ha sometido a una renovación de arriba a abajo, una transformación para el siglo XXI. Hoy en día la nueva exposición cuenta con más de 2.000 animales, un arrecife de coral revitalizado y nuevos espacios de exposición en la parte superior. Tanque Oceánico Gigante Disfrute de las espectaculares vistas de 360 grados, del arrecife de coral de cuatro pisos rebosante de animales. En 2013 el icónico Tanque Gigante paso por una transformación de pies a cabeza que incluye ventanas con visión cristalina, un vibrante y revitalizado arrecife de coral con más de 1.000 peces, y el Yawkey Coral Reef Center en lo alto de la exposición. El colorido arrecife de coral caribeño es el hogar de tortugas, anguilas y cientos de peces tropicales de todos los tamaños. Colonia de Pingüinos El Acuario es el hogar de más de 80 pingüinos viviendo en la bulliciosa colonia de pingüinos que rodea el Tanque Oceánico Gigante. ¡Véalos nadar, comer, acicalarse y jugar!
The adventurous will make a beeline for Pure Rafting with its rapids, whirlpools and peaceful backwaters. There’s a whole universe of water attractions for the family at Aqualand, a world of waterslides of all types and heights to thrill and relax you; your kids will have the time of their lives. You’ll find vibrant attractions such as the Grand Canyon, the Black Hole or the Twister, and other more relaxing ones including Jacuzzis, Tropical Lake and Lake Niagara. There are more than 30 slides to choose from at this themed water park with swimming pools to keep the little ones entertained while you relax in the sun. Or maybe you could chill in one of the whirlpools and when you need a rest from all the excitement, lie down in the landscaped gardens. You can also enjoy a family meal in the picnic areas ... if you can get the children out of the water. Make a splash! Enjoy AQUALAND!
Admission to Walt Disney World Resort 1. E-ticket: Within 2 days of your booking you will be able to print-at-home your E-Ticket. Upon arrival at Walt Disney World Resort you must exchange your E-Ticket for a Walt Disney World Resort Hard Ticket at one of the following locations - 1. Ticket and Transportation Center at Magic Kingdom Park. 2. Epcot Guest Services. 3. Disney's Hollywood Studios Guest Services. 4. Disney's Animal Kingdom Park Guest Services. Valid photo ID (e.g. passport or driver's license) and the credit card used to make the E-Ticket/s purchase are required. 2. Hard Ticket: A gate-ready, barcoded Hard Ticket will be sent to you, at no extra cost, within 7 working days from the date of your booking. Upon arrival at Walt Disney World Resort with your Hard Ticket you can go straight to the gate of the Park of your choice and go straight in. If your Travel date of departure is planned to be within 7 days from today you must select the E-Ticket option. Hard Tickets cannot be guaranteed other than as outlined. Admission to Universal Orlando Resort™ Theme Parks 1. E-Ticket / Voucher An E-Ticket / Voucher which, within 2 days of your booking, you will be able to print-at-home. Remember to take this with you to Universal Orlando Resort. Note: An E-Ticket / Voucher will be the only choice should your booking be made within 7 working days of your planned departure date. 2. Hard Ticket: A gate-ready, barcoded Hard Ticket which we will, within 7 working days from the date of your booking, deliver to you, at no extra cost and which you can use to go straight to a Park entrance, scan the barcode and enter the Park. Walt Disney World Resort Memory Maker With Memory Maker, your whole family can be in the picture at Disney PhotoPass locations—plus select attraction and dining locations—throughout Walt Disney World Resort. All of the photos you take are magically yours forever, like memories of you and your family posing together in front of Cinderella's Castle, screaming down Splash Mountain, hugging Mickey Mouse and so much more. PhotoPass Photographers will take your photo in iconic locations ( Select Attraction photos and videos as well as select Character dining photos). Your MagicBand or PhotoPass card links your photos to your Disney account. Enjoy unlimited digital downloads of all your Disney PhotoPass photos and videos. Disney FastPass+ Service You can skip the queue for select attractions, shows and Character Greetings. Before You Arrive You can check the availability for must-do experiences and lock in 1, 2 or 3 FastPass+ selections for each day of your ticket at a single park. At the Theme Parks You can use can use your ticket to enter the FastPass+ queue at any time during the 1-hour arrival window and get to the fun, faster. Choose More as You Go After you enjoy your third FastPass+ experience, you are free to make another selection at an in-park kiosk or on their mobile device. Use that one, then get one more (based on availability)and repeat. Plan Ahead for Greater Selection All your need to do is link your park admission to your Disney account to start using FastPass+ service. With a ticket or pass, plan up to 30 days in advance. Magic Kingdom Park At this, the most magical place on earth, explore enchanted lands and find endless excitement Take thrilling rides Meet dazzling Princesses and favourite Disney Characters Marvel at spectacular parades Be awed by breath-taking firework extravaganzas Delight in delicious themed dining Celebrate seasonal holidays as only Disney knows how Experience classic Disney attractions such as "it's a small world", Pirates of the Caribbean and Peter Pan's Flight Brave adrenalin-pumping rides such as Space Mountain, Big Thunder Mountain Railroad and Splash Mountain Be thrilled by Live Shows and Entertainment such as Great Moments in American History with the Muppets and the spectacular and magical 3D musical "Mickey's PhilharMagic". EPCOT As you travel around the Globe, under the sea, into outer space and beyond, let your imagination take flight Experience top-class live musical performances Journey deep into our solar system Savour traditional foods from 11 different countries at World Showcase, selecting delicacies from Morocco, Japan, Mexico, France, and even traditional fish and chips served in a Disney "version" of newspaper at the Rose and Crown, a classic British pub Meet Anna and Elsa at Frozen at the Norway Pavilion See a vision of tomorrow at Future World Join Finding Nemo for some under-sea fun Be thrilled by EPCOT's closing fireworks Show - it's a must-see. Disney's Animal Kingdom Park Experience the majesty of nature and see many rare animals up close At Avatar Flight of Passage you will encounter a place beyond belief Journey deep into a rain forest for a fantastic family adventure Be thrilled by high-speed rides Meet much-loved Disney Characters You can even go on safaris, ride rapids, trek through a jungle and then speed through the Himalayas. Be sure to avoid the Yeti As the sun sets on your adventure-filled day, the Tree of Life awakens with colour and light, the Discovery Island Carnivale starts while the harmony of nature is celebrated at a music-filled water and light show. Don't forget to take in the Festival of the Lion King Show - a magnificent Broadway-like spectacular. Disney's Hollywood Studios Enter the world of Movies, Music, Television and Theatre Watch movie magic come to life during live stage shows Go behind-the-scenes on fascinating backstage tours Be terrified in The Twilight Zone Tower of Terror Re-live Frozen with stories and sing-alongs Take the Great Movie Ride Prepare to be amazed by the Indiana Jones Stunt Spectacular Meanwhile, at a galaxy far, far away the Star Wars adventure awaits where you can even take in some Jedi training if the Force is with you! For the little ones, meetings with Olaf, Buzz Lightyear and Woody await. As the lights go down prepare for yet more Disney treats with the live Beauty and the Beast musical and other Disney Movie Magic Disney's Typhoon Lagoon Water Park Sun, surf, sea, slides and shutes! Spills and thrills of the water park kind are to be found in abundance at this famous Park. Home to one of the world's largest outdoor wave pools "Disney legend" has it that this is where a typhoon caused chaos at a previously unspoiled tropical paradise with the result that ships and surf boards are flung about the landscape "Mount Mayday" erupts a 50 foot geyser of water every 30 minutes. Prepare to be immersed in a torrent of fun* Disney's Blizzard Beach Water Park The story goes that this watery wonderland was at one time a ski resort, now melted to become a spectacular Water Park Scare yourself silly as you zip down Mount Gushmore, one of the world's tallest water slides If this is too terrifying, elect instead to float down the tranquil river or simply get some rays on the white sandy beach For little ones (under 48 inches) a dedicated water play area is to be enjoyed, complete with its own snow-castle fountain and kid-sized water slides.* *Before you go please review important planning information, including the Parks' dress policy." Please note: Each year the Water Parks at Walt Disney World are subject to seasonal closure for refurbishment and maintenance. In 2018 Disney's Typhoon Lagoon Water Park is due to be closed from early January to the middle of March and Disney's Blizzard Beach Water Park is scheduled for closure between the middle of October and early January 2019. Universal Orlando Resort™ Universal Studios Florida™ Perhaps the world’s most famous live motion picture and television studio. At Universal Studios Florida™ you can immerse yourself in the action of your favourite films and TV shows! The Wizarding World of Harry Potter™ – Diagon Alley™ Magical thrills await: Harry Potter and the Escape from the Gringotts™ - a never-to-be-forgotten ride Hogwarts™ Express – with your Explorer Ticket you will pass through a brick wall to arrive at Platform 9¾™ en route to Hogsmeade™ Station in Universal’s Islands of Adventure™ Production Central Where Orlando Meets Hollywood! TRANSFORMERS: The Ride – 3D – battle as never before on this one-of-a-kind thrill ride Shrek 4-D – enjoy an adventure with Shrek, Princess Fiona and Donkey! Hollywood Rip Ride Rockit®- you choose the music on this multi-sensory coaster. Don’t forget to smile as on-board cameras snap the entire trip! Despicable Me Minion Mayhem – fantastically entertaining 3-D attraction New York Here a recreated New York is the setting for Big Apple productions Revenge of the Mummy® The Ride – face fireballs, creepy crawlies and multiple mummy warriors in the pitch black! The Blues Brothers®- party with Jake and Elwood Now Open! Race through New York Starring Jimmy Fallon Hollywood Immerse yourself in the glamour and glitz of movie making Universal Horror Make-Up Show – special effects artists share their secrets World Expo The Simpsons Ride™ - you will encounter surprise after surprise on this ride through Krustyland! Kang & Kodos’ Twirl ’n’ Hurl – The Simpsons™ aliens Kang and Kodos take you on a trip that’s out of this world! MEN IN BLACK™ Alien Attack™ - train as a Men in Black agent, zapping aliens as you go! FEAR FACTOR LIVE – takes extreme audience participation to a scary new level! Woody Woodpecker’s KidZone® Here you will find many of the biggest stars of children’s entertainment, including E.T. Adventure® – help E.T.® save his planet A Day in the Park with Barney™ - a happy, clappy show for little ones! Woody Woodpecker’s Nuthouse Coaster® – a roller-coaster ride full of fun San Francisco NEW for 2018 (opening spring 2018) Fast & Furious - Supercharged™ Universal’s Islands of Adventure™ Experience adrenalin-pumping rides, fantastic shows and story and comic book heroes for children of all ages! The Wizarding World of Harry Potter™ - Hogsmeade™ Explore Hogwarts™ castle, shop in the many quaint Hogsmeade™ emporiums and raise your pulse-rate with innovative rides and attractions in this magical world! Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey™ - explore Hogwarts™ before embarking on a thrilling ride above the castle grounds Flight of the Hippogriff™ - After becoming acquainted with a Hippogriff, take a spin on this family-oriented ride as it swoops and dives Skull Island: Reign of Kong™ Are you brave enough to experience this immense new ride where you encounter King Kong – the most awesome ape ever! Marvel Super Hero Island® Comic book City awaits! The Amazing Adventures of Spider-Man®; The Incredible Hulk Coaster®; Doctor Doom’s Fearfall® and Meet the Marvel Super Heroes! You never know just who you might bump into as you explore the Park! Jurassic Park™ Visit Jurassic Park, where dinosaurs live! Jurassic Park River Adventure™ – ride a river raft through dinosaur habitats if you dare! Jurassic Park Discovery Center™ - learn about prehistoric creatures and watch dinosaur eggs hatch in this interactive attraction Pteranodon Flyers™ – fly over Camp Jurassic™ Toon Lagoon™ Experience your favourite cartoon and comic characters as never before on imaginative water rides! Dudley Do-Right’s Ripsaw Falls® - a fun flume ride Popeye & Bluto’s Bilge-Rat Barges® - hold on tight to your raft as you help Popeye rescue Olive Oyl from the dastardly Bluto Me Ship, The Olive® - interactive fun for little ones on Popeye’s ship The Lost Continent™ Explore a land of legends and myths The Eighth Voyage of Sinbad™ Stunt Show – a show full of spectacular stunts Poseidon’s Fury™ - explore the ruins of the ancient temple of Poseidon – just be sure not to stray too far! The Mystic Fountain – be sure to make a wish here! Seuss Landing™ A fun-filled place where Dr Seuss’ children’s stories come to life! The Cat in the Hat™ - get an introduction to the most mischievous cat in the world! Caro-Seuss-el™ - a unique merry-go-round One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish™ - splashing obstacle course fun! If I Ran The Zoo™ - strange creatures live here! The High in the Sky Seuss Trolly Train Ride!™- let your imagination take flight! Universal’s Volcano Bay™ Opened in 2017, Universal’s Volcano Bay ™ is a one-of-a-kind water theme park where you can escape to unwind or to experience thrilling water rides – the choice is yours! The island is dominated by Krakatau™, the Fire and Water Volcano which dominates the landscape. The Volcano Krakatau™ Aqua Coaster – feel the power of Krakatau™ on this high- octane water ride Ko’okiri Plunge™ - experience a 70 degree fall through a trap door to 125 feet of white-knuckle fun if you dare! Kala & Tai Nui Serpentine Body Slides™ - drop through twin trap doors into two interwoven tubes Punga Racers™ - splash and slide at this watery adventure! Wave Village Waturi Beach – where you can swim and relax River Village Honu ika Moana™ - multi-person slides for all to enjoy! Tot Tiki Reef™ & Runamukka Reef™ - fabulous play areas for tots and older children Kopiko Wai Winding River™ - for those who prefer their water rides to be of the relaxing variety! Rainforest Village Ohyah & Ohno Drop Slides™- it’s all in the name! Plummet down slides or try a nerve-jingling rope bridge! Maku Puihi Round Raft Rides™ - want to experience the thrill of zero gravity? You can here! TeAwa The Fearless River™ - a spine-tingling white-water ride with waves and rapids Taniwha Tubes™ - twisting water slides featuring occasional surprises! Enjoy the benefits of TapuTapu™ at Volcano Bay™ These extremely useful wearable devices let you avoid standing in line at the various Universal’s Volcano Bay™ attractions allowing you to wait in a Virtual Line™ until it’s time to ride. These multi-purpose devices also open lockers, make cash-free payments and more! And, while at Universal’s Volcano Bay™ make sure to savour the flavours of the South Pacific at a range of exciting themed restaurants such as – Kohola Reef Restaurant & Social Club™ Dancing Dragons Boat Bar Whakawaiwai Eats Bambu The Feasting Frog Kunuku Boat Bar Universal CityWalk™ Universal CityWalk™ is not just for night owls – stop here for a tasty breakfast or lunch or shop ‘til you drop at Universal CityWalk® Shops. You can even get a a new tattoo here if that is your thing! However, it is when the sun goes down that Universal CityWalk™ really comes alive with hip and happening nightclubs, dancing, live music venues and themed restaurants. So much to see, to do and to savour! A feast for all the senses! As an added bonus, self parking is free for all guests after 6 pm and is open until 2.00 am* (Does not apply to valet or Prime Parking. Not valid for Halloween Horror Nights™. Additional restrictions may apply and are subject to change without notice.) *Universal CityWalk™ operating hours may vary per establishment and are subject to change without notice. Other restrictions may apply. Universal Orlando Resort™ tickets exclude admission to separately ticketed events at any of the Universal Theme Parks or within any of the CityWalk™ venues. Some of the CityWalk™ venues admit only those of 21 years of age and above. Valid photo ID is required. Admission to AMC® Universal Cineplex 20 with IMAX®, the Blue Man Group show or Hollywood Drive-in Golf™ not included. Dining at Universal CityWalk™ Food to suit all tastes is to be found here! Included in the long list of eateries are – Hard Rock Cafe® Orlando Jimmy Buffet’s® Margaritaville® Vivo Italian Kitchen Bob Marley – A Tribute to FreedomSM Antojitos Authentic Mexican Food Pat O’Briens® The Bubba Gump Shrimp Co™ Emeril’s® Restaurant Orlando Red Oven Pizza Bakery Hot Dog Hall of Fame Entertainment at Universal CityWalk™ Hot spots for the best entertainment at Universal CityWalk™ include – CityWalk’s Rising Star the groove ℠ Jimmy Buffett’s®Margaritaville® Pat O’Briens® Bob Marley – A Tribute to Freedom℠ Red Coconut Club® Shopping at Universal CityWalk® Shops Universal Studios Store® Quiet Flight® Surf Shop The Island Clothing Store Fossil Hart & Huntington Orlando Tattoo Shop P!Q Guest Services Information First Aid Stations are available at Universal Studios Florida™, Universal’s Islands of Adventure™ and Universal’s Volcano Bay™ Child / Baby Swap Areas – where parents can take turns at being with their child while the other enjoys a ride, are available at each attraction Nursing facilities are available at each of the 3 Parks Accessibility – Universal Orlando’s shopping and dining facilities are wheelchair accessible. HARRY POTTER characters, names and related indicia are © & ™ Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. Harry Potter Publishing Rights © JKR. (s18) TRANSFORMERS and its logo and all related characters are trademarks of Hasbro and are used with permission. © 2018 Hasbro. All Rights Reserved. © 2017 DreamWorks LLC and Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. THE SIMPSONS RIDE ™ Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. The Simpsons ™ & © 2018 Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. All rights reserved. Jurassic Park ™ Universal Studios / Amblin. © 2018. © 2018 MARVEL. Universal elements and all related indicia TM & © 2018 Universal Studios. All rights reserved.