improves your body circulation, relieves your pain and promotes your metabolism suitable for waist, shoulders, legs, foot massage and physical therapy do the physical therapy for the four parts of your body at the same time
La creme Striagen-N a ete specialement concu pour sadresser aux problemes de peau distendue ou ridee dans le cou. Sa formule, enrichie en acide hyaluronique, vise a raffermir et lifter la peau relachee du cou. Elle aide aussi a reduire les rougeurs et soulager les irritations de cette zone.
Spectral.DNC-S es un spray disenado para combatir la caida del pelo. Se constituye de una formula avanzada y es compatible en hombres y mujeres.Con un enfoque dual simultaneo para conseguir unos excelentes resultados, se debe aplicar en la zona a tratar dos veces al dia.
Using sustainably sourced Sacha Inchi Seeds and other beneficial ingredients, Omega Balm contains one of the richest plant-based sources of Omega 3, 6, 9 and is created to hydrate dry and irritated skin whilst aiding the appearance of scars and stretch marks.