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Looking to try the subscription box without the subscription? We know commitment is hard, so were giving you the option to try the Rollers Club first month box with no strings attached. Once youve tasted the goods, were positive you will enjoy yourself and want a more steady relationship. In the first Rollers Club Box you get a Clipper lighter and a pack of pre-rolled tips, a doob tube, then you get to choose between flavored, non-flavored or mix flavored wraps and papers. No Commitment, no problem!
The Dipwhip is an attachment for your Dipper Vaporizer, by Dipstick Vapes. Simply take one end of the hose and attach it to your Dipper Vaporizer and your glass piece then vape like normal! It gives you all the filtration of smoking through your glass, with all the ease of using your vaporizer pen. Available in three standard glass attachment sizes. Need the female attachment? We gotcha covered, check out the Dipstick Dipwhip Female .
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