Vandy Vape Pulse BF Squonk Box Mod is innovative squonk mod and designed by Tony Brittan from Vapor Trail Channel. Compatible with 18650 and the new 20700 batteries, maximum current can up to 40A. Features an intelligent fire button and 8ml food grade silicone bottle, easy to squeeze. Also adopts magnetic structure design, easy to replace panels. Pulse BF Mod offer you wonderful vaping expereince. Nylon + ABS Material - High temperature resistant Unregulated squonk box mod Copper contacts (No wires) Compatible with 18650 and the new 20700 batteries (Sold Separately) Two access points on the back for easy removal of battery and bottle 8ml food grade silicone bottle with a stainless steel cap easy to squeeze Magnetic structure design, easy to replace panels. Spring Loaded 510 Threading Brand: Vandy Vape Max Currect 40A Capacity 8ml Battery 18650 / 20700 (Sold Separately) Size 77 x 50 x 27mm Gross Weight 170g
Keuck Mokka LiqueurFeuriger Mocca-GenussCharakteristik: Für Keuck Mokka Likör werden nur beste Arabica-Kaffeebohnen verwendet.TABLE.blueTable {HEIGHT: 400px; WIDTH: 100%; BORDER-COLLAPSE: collapse; TEXT-ALIGN: left; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #fffefb}TABLE.blueTable TD {PADDING-BOTTOM: 8px; PADDING-TOP: 8px; PADDING-LEFT: 8px; PADDING-RIGHT: 8px}TABLE.blueTable TH {PADDING-BOTTOM: 8px; PADDING-TOP: 8px; PADDING-LEFT: 8px; PADDING-RIGHT: 8px}TABLE.blueTable TBODY TD {FONT-SIZE: 16px; FONT-WEIGHT: bold}UNKNOWN {BACKGROUND: #eeeeee}TABLE.blueTable THEAD {BACKGROUND: #393939}TABLE.blueTable THEAD TH {FONT-SIZE: 17px; FONT-WEIGHT: bold; COLOR: #ffffff}TABLE.blueTable TFOOT TD {FONT-SIZE: 14px}TABLE.blueTable TFOOT .links {TEXT-ALIGN: right}TABLE.blueTable TFOOT .links A {BACKGROUND: #1c6ea4; COLOR: #ffffff; PADDING-BOTTOM: 2px; PADDING-TOP: 2px; PADDING-LEFT: 8px; DISPLAY: inline-block; PADDING-RIGHT: 8px; border-radius: 5px}SteckbriefRubrik:LikörUrsprungsland:DeutschlandNettofüllmenge:0,7 LiterAlkoholgehalt22% vol.Zusatzstoffe:enthält FarbstoffLoskennzeichnung:jaName und Adresse des Herstellers / Importeurs:Schwarze und Schlichte Markenvertrieb GmbH & Co. KG, Paulsburg 1-3, 59302 OeldeWarnhinweise:Abgabe nicht an Jugendliche unter 18 JahrenNicht für schwangere oder stillende Frauen empfohlen
Yosta Livepor 100W Mod looks like transformer which with ergonomic design provide comfortable hand feeling for you. Compatible with single 21700 / 20700 / 18650 battery to support 100W maximum output. Utilized advanced chipset, features 0.01s fast firing speed. Together with large 0.96 inch OLED screen, you can check data easily. Also, it comes with a LED indicator for displaying the remaining power. Zinc alloy construction 0.96-inch colorful display screen Compact size with ergonomic designed Temperature range at 100-315
Wie der Name verspricht, wird der Pascal Bouchard Chablis Les Vieilles Vignes AOC aus Chardonnay-Trauben von alten Rebstöcken hergestellt. Das lange Altern verleiht diesem Chablis eine hohe Mineralität, Fülle und Komplexität. Die Reben wachsen an...
DunklesRubinrotmitviolettenReflexen,intensiveAromenvonreifenschwarzenJohannisbeerenundschwarzenKirschen,AnklängevonLakritz,RauchundSchokolade,mineralischeNoten,perfekteBalance,dicht,vielschichtig,samtigeaberfesteTannine,ausgewogen,langesFinale,brauchtZeit Passtzu:kräftigerLammkeule,geschmortemWildbret,undreifemKäse
Le Sel Rose de l Himalaya cristaux 1kg Comptoirs et compagnies agrementera parfaitement toutes vos preparations culinaires favorites. Le sel rose de l Himalaya cristaux 1kg est utilisable avec tous les moulins. Le sel rose de L Himalaya est issu de l evaporation des mers disparues il y a plusieurs centaines de millions d annees. Sans additif ni colorant, il est vierge de tout raffinage et ses cristaux naturellement craquants sont riches en mineraux et oligoelements. Ingredients / INCI : Sel rose de l Himalaya (100%). Conseils d utilisation : Il est conseille d utiliser dans toutes vos utilisations culinaires et a tous vos moulins. Sel Rose de l Himalaya cristaux 1kg Comptoirs et compagnies reference sur Mondebio.