Polyester 23 x 13,5 x 6 cm großes Hauptfach mit Reißverschluss Klappe mit Stifteschlaufen und Geodreieckfach, Reißverschlussfach 1 Motiv Hauptmerkmale Technische Details Art der Tasche Weiches Federmäppchen Material Polyester Produktfarbe Blau Färbung Einfarbig Schliessungs-Typ Reißverschluss Innentasche Ja Gewicht & Abmessungen Breite 230 mm Tiefe 135 mm Höhe 60 mm
Looking to try the subscription box without the subscription? We know commitment is hard, so were giving you the option to try the Rollers Club first month box with no strings attached. Once youve tasted the goods, were positive you will enjoy yourself and want a more steady relationship. In the first Rollers Club Box you get a Clipper lighter and a pack of pre-rolled tips, a doob tube, then you get to choose between flavored, non-flavored or mix flavored wraps and papers. No Commitment, no problem!
Grind up your favorite legal smoking blend with this RAW Three-Way Shredder Card. This card is the perfect on-the-go accessory for the busy smoking connoisseur. Fit this card in your pocket or wallet to keep nearby just in case your favorite grinder was left at home! This card includes a protective sleeve that keeps the card and its three different shredding sizes secure and safe for when youre ready to grind up! Be sure to pick up some RAW Classic 1/14 papers to wrap up your newly shredded smoking blend!
These smoking rings from RAW are a must-have accessory for the people who love and live the RAW lifestyle! These high-quality rings come in your choice of a gold or black finish, as well as a flat top featuring the red RAW logo. From the sides, there is even a space for your smoke so the ring can act as a tip, so you can enjoy it with style! These rings are durable and a great addition to any collection for the RAW enthusiast!
herlitz Sammelmappe Pure Glam, A4, Kraftkarton 3 Einschlagklappen, mit Verschlussgummi in gold - 1 Stück (50021734)
Aibecy Heißluft Stirling Motor Motor Modell Strom Generator Bunte LED Bildung Spielzeug Geschenk-Kits Physik-Experiment