Hammerite "Direct to Galvanised" Metal Paint is specially formulated for application straight onto non-rusting metal, such as galvanised steel, aluminum, copper and brass, as a primer and topcoat in one. It enables users to create the look of their choice whilst retaining the non-rusting benefits of galvanised metal. Easy to use, this paint has low odour and provides long lasting protection. It is touch-dry in 4 hours and only requires one coat. Specification: Colour : Black Finish : Smooth Size : 750ml Coverage : 14m²/L
ammoon 24" Sapele ukelele 4 cuerdas palosanto Diapasón Musical instrumento de año nuevo día regalo presente
Antica édite des reproductions de cartes géographiques de l?époque d?Henri IV et de Louis XIII, sur un papier parchemin vieilli de façon artisanale: Sur ces cartes vous découvrirez «vostre» région telle qu?elle était en 1600: les fortifications, les...
10 edle, ausgestanzte Relief-Bilder "Vasen", geprägt und mit goldenem Glimmerlack veredelt, ca. 6 bis 8,5 cm.
Aroma ARU-02 UHF Recargable Profesional Audio Digital Inalámbrico Transmisor Sistema Receptor con Cable USB para Guitarra Bajo
10 edle, ausgestanzte 3-D Motive "Blüten & Schleifen", mit Goldprägung und Glimmerlack-Veredelung, ca. 9 bis 11,5 cm.