Le spray fixant KeratinMD est ideal pour fixer les fibres capillaires KeratinMD et assurer une tenue longue duree. Il aide ainsi a maintenir lapparence dune chevelure plus dense, plus longtemps, tout en lui apportant de la brillance. Formule sans sulfate, ni paraben, ni alcool.
Kümmern Sie sich auf natürliche Weise um Ihr dünner werdendes Haar und entdecken Sie die maxmedix Biotin Tabletten! Mit 12.000 mcg Vitamin B7 pro Portion sind diese diskreten Tabletten perfekt für die Pflege Ihrer Haare, Haut und Nägel. Jede Packung enthält 365 Tabletten, um sicherzustellen, dass Ih
rich, permanent hair colour provides perfect coverage of grey hair wide palette of rich tones and shades enriched with ionéne g and incell helps strengthen and reinforce the hair fibre
Achieve intensive & natural nuances with plant powder! The "Parvati" dye lends the hair strands wonderfully warm and copper reflections. Free from: sodium picramate ammoniac metal salts chemical additives Interesting facts: Parvati is the goddess and wife of Shiva, the god of destruction. According to legend, Parvati was able to triumph by decorating her body with henna which is the inspiration of this colour. Ingredients (INCI): Coffea Robusta Seed Powder, Indigofera Tinctoria Leaf Powder, Lawsonia Inermis Leaf Powder