Utilisee quotidiennement en application directe, elle fortifie ongles et cils. Elle est recommandee pour les cheveux devitalises, qu ils soient secs, cassants, fourchus ou gras. Composition : Formule avec : huile de ricin de premiere pression a froid, vitamine E naturelle. Ingredients INCI: ricinus communis (castor) oil issu de l agriculture biologique 100% du total des ingredients sont issus de l agriculture biologique Conseils d utilisation : En soin capillaire : a appliquer, sur cheveux secs, en massant doucement. Garder 20 mn sous une serviette chaude avant le shampooing. En manucure : masser le bout des ongles en insistant sur leurs pourtours. Produit cetifie cosmebio et Ecocert
Clients will love the intense neutralising shades of the Majirel High Lift collection from L'Oréal. An enriched formula helps create a cool looking blonde and leaves hair feeling silky soft.Majirel High Lift offers an array of different shades of blonde, from ultra-cool tones to luminous platinum blondes, in only one step. Enriched with Ionène G and Incell technology, the formula helps take care of the hair fibre providing silky soft feeling hair. These intense neutralising shades which provide up to 4.5 levels of lift with an anti-brassiness effect that helps create a cool looking blonde. The formula provides extra neutralisation delivering shimmering icy cool results. Please note L’Oréal are in the process of changing their packaging for Majirel. Due to this, you may receive current or old packaging. Unfortunately, you will not be able to choose which one you receive.
hairdressing and thinning student scissors set comes complete with razor, blades and a comb in a trendy grey imititation leather case ergonomic and offset handles for truly relaxed working serrated blades for added control
A u-part wig allows you to pull a small section of your own hair through an opening at the top of the wig.This allows you to attain the look and finish of a sew-on weave in 5 minutes.A u-part wig will give you the visual benefits of a sew-in weave with the convenience of a wig. Hair Color: Please understand pictures may not reflect the actual color of the item accurately due to different color settings of each monitor.
one step lift and colour superior hair condition and suppleness intense contrast even on dark or tinted bases superior light reflection up to five levels of lift for maximum contrast
Die Foligain Kapseln Gegen Graue Haare sind fur Manner und Frauen geeignet, die Graue Haare Bekampfen und Vorbeugen wollen. Die Kapseln unterstutzen die Haarpflege.