Introducing DabPadz dab mats. Featuring a wide assortment of styles and colors. Each mat is 8" in circumference and will sit your rig and accessories all together while keeping your table or counter clear of any accidents. Each mat comes in your choice of one of many styles. Be sure to browse through them all! Dont need that much space? Take a look at our selection of 5" Dabpadz !
Show off your sense of style and devotion to the best way to light your smokes in this Quik Wikk t-shirt! These super comfortable, 100% cotton t-shirts come in your choice of three colors; black, white, or purple while showcasing the traditional Quik Wikk emblem. Looks great with a Quik Wikk Lanyard !
3 praktische Wassertank-Pinsel mit drei verschiedenen Pinselspitzen: ▪ 2,5 mm x 14 mm ▪ 4 mm x 16 mm ▪ 6 mm x 17 mm Der praktische Wassertank-Pinsel vereint Pinsel und Wasserglas in einem, das Wasserglas wird überflüssig. Durch leichten Druck lässt sich das Wasser prezise dosieren, wodurch sich der Pinsel besonders für die Aquarelltechnik eignet.
Hauptmerkmale Technische Details Art der Tasche Hard pencil case Produktfarbe Violett Färbung Bild Verschlussart Reißverschluss Empfohlenes Geschlecht Weiblich Gewicht & Abmessungen Breite 203 mm Tiefe 140 mm Höhe 40 mm Lieferumfang Anzahl 1
Vector crafts elegant and sleek but perfectly portable and functional high-quality torch lighters for you to enjoy with your smokes! These Mystique torch lighters feature a slim profile that is easy to conceal and carry with you but feel comfortable in your hand when you use them. With a single function ignition button and dial to adjust the intensity of the flame, these torches are handy but powerful. These single jet torches are wind resistant and will easily become a new favorite for you to enjoy on the go!
You can rest easy knowing that you will get a smooth and effortlessly delightful concentrates smoking experience when you utilize this simple but perfectly crafted inline rig! This rig stands at 6" in height and offers you high-quality glass to enjoy your favorite concentrates with to assure that you get the most enjoyable flavor possible. With water filtration to make it smoother when you use this piece, this rig will win you over and become a new favorite in your collection. A fantastic piece for any glass collection or for those just dabbling in concentrates, this rig will give you the flavorful and easy experience that you desire! This glass piece has a 14mm Male joint that will fit 14mm Female accessories and replacements.