this course covers all the anatomy and physiology required for beauty treatments. written to match the current national occupational standards, the workbook brings anatomy and physiology to life and covers exactly what you need to know.
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an informative and interactive course to provide you with the information and skills needed to offer your clients an ear piercing service using the caflon system.
an informative and interactive spray tanning course, giving you all the information and techniques required to provide your clients with the perfect tan.
marvelbrow is a unique system that corrects unruly, over-tweezed, greying and misshapen brows. the concept combines a scientific approach to brow shaping with treatments to sculpt, define and thicken for a more natural, youthful appearance.
a must for any beauty therapist to learn about different skin types, how to cleanse, tone, moisturise and apply the correct mask, and how to carry out a facial massage.