the sienna x level 1 course has been developed to meet the needs of complete beginners and those looking to refresh their spray tanning skills.
top features learn from the industry leaders with their bespoke routine to ensure a quick yet profitable application learn more about developing and taking your spray tan business to the next level equipment overview, including the maintenance and cleaning of spray equipment
key learnings
the skills and knowledge required to carry out a spray tan & the importance of the client consultation process advice on how to create a successful spray tan business understanding of the tanning industry and the sienna x brand
this course is perfect for a beginner or an industry professional wishing to add tanning to their existing services, plus learn the on-trend body contouring technique.
this course is essential for beginners and those wishing to refresh their knowledge or improve proficiency. the emphasis is placed on acquiring practical competence in salon system’s just wax warm waxing techniques combined with the essential theoretical knowledge.
brows are of the utmost importance for many clients; this course will show you how to correctly design, map and perfect the brow and learn how to tint eyelashes to enhance the brow. over the course of 2 days we will show you how to consult with your client, mix colours to enhance skin tone, plus the use of warm wax and the art of threading brows.
master these simple techniques that offer a daily alternative to wearing mascara and using mechanical eyelash curlers. lashcurl: a simple, safe and effective way to enhance the appearance of the eye, giving an instant curl to the natural lashes. lashlift: lashes are lifted right from the root using a unique silicone curler to create the illusion of length and volume. lash/brow tinting: a popular salon treatment to enhance and define lashes and brows.
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