INCLUYE Transporte público Acceso ilimitado y gratuito al transporte público: metro, tranvía y autobús 22 museos y sus exposiciones temporales Entrada gratuita a los museos: Musée des Confluences, Musée des Beaux-Arts, Institut Lumière, Musée des Tissus et des Arts Décoratifs, Musée d’Art Contemporain… Tours Guiados por Lyon y convenciones Acceso gratuito a tours guiados. Descubra la historia de Lyon. Las conferencias ofrecen temas históricos, culturales e inusuales. Actividades de ocio Explore Lyon desde un crucero guiado por el río. Descuentos en… Bus Turístico, excursiones guiadas (a pie o en bicicleta), taxi eléctrico… y otras muchas actividades como el Acuario o actividades al aire libre. También descuentos en entretenimiento… Espectáculos nocturnos que incluyen l’Opéra de Lyon, le Théâtre des Céléstins, le TNP, Maison de la danse...
Mystery surrounds this 5,000 year old World Heritage Site. Visit this pre-historic South West monument and decide for yourself whether Stonehenge was designed as a place of sun worship, or as part of a huge astronomical calendar, or something different altogether! An awe-inspiring family visit, Stonehenge is a powerful reminder of the once-great Stone and Bronze Ages. Each phase of Stonehenge was a circular structure, aligned with the rising sun at the solstice. Erected between 3,000 BC and 1,600 BC, the stones were carried hundreds of miles over land and sea, while antlers and bones were used to dig the pits that hold the stones. Modern techniques in archaeology, and the series of recent digs, have helped to shape new theories about the stones, but their ultimate purpose remains a fascinating and enduring mystery. Arriving at Stonehenge (important Information for Groups) Stonehenge now ask that coach drivers and tour leaders/guides have their correct booking reference number(s) ready on arrival at Stonehenge. This will help Site Staff ensure we keep queues to a minimum. During busy periods they will unfortunately be restricted in their flexibility for providing entry to groups turning up outside of their time slot. However, they understand that delays happen so we will of course try to accommodate your groups as best we can. Please be advised that under no circumstances must groups disembark except at the designated drop-off bay and only once your coach is fully parked. If your coach has the passenger door located on the right-hand side, please proceed directly to a coach parking bay before disembarkation. Note for Seniors and Students: The Staff at Stonehenge ask that any persons carrying vouchers for Student and/or Senior concessions please also carry valid identification. This is to avoid any unecessary embarrasment or misunderstanding if you are asked for proof on arrival.
Aufgrund der im Berliner Fernsehturm bestehenden baulichen Gegebenheiten ist, um die Sicherheit der Besucher im Evakuierungsfall zu gewährleisten, Rollstuhlfahrern und Personen mit aktueller Gehbehinderung, d.h. Personen die sich nicht ohne fremde Hilfe oder ohne Hilfsmittel, wie z.B. Krücken etc. fortbewegen können, der Zutritt leider nicht möglich. Zur Sicherheit der Kunden führt die TV Turm GmbH Taschenkontrollen durch und bittet um Verständnis dafür, dass alle unten aufgeführten Gegenstände nicht in den Berliner Fernsehturm mitgenommen werden dürfen, insbesondere keine Flaschen, Dosen oder andere Behältnisse mit Flüssigkeiten. Andernfalls muss die TV Turm GmbH diese aus Sicherheitsgründen entsorgen. Ein Anspruch auf Rückgabe oder Entschädigung ist ausdrücklich ausgeschlossen. Wir bitten um Ihr Verständnis dafür, dass das Rauchen in allen Bereichen des Berliner Fernsehturm nicht gestattet ist.
Este tour es un placer para cualquier persona que goza con una buena copa de vino. Es la única ruta del vino de San Francisco que dura medio día. Se aleja del Muelle de los Pescadores y se dirige hacia el norte cruzando el puente Golden Gate, a través del Condado de Marín y la famosa región vinícola en la ciudad de Sonoma. El Sonoma Wine Tour incluye visitas a varias bodegas en la hermosa Sonoma, que van desde las bodegas de producción en serie a bodegas más pequeñas, boutiques. Este divertido e informativo Sonoma Wine Tour no sólo ofrece una muestra de excelentes bodegas de la región, sino que ofrece la oportunidad de disfrutar del esplendor de los hermosos viñedos y del pintoresco condado de Sonoma desde un cómodo autocar que le acompaña de un lugar a otro. Reserve sus entradas para este Sonoma Wine Tour hoy! Tour Highlights: • Wine Tour de medio dia - perfecto para aquellos que tienen el tiempo limitado. • Recorrido en minibús de lujo. • Honorarios de cata de vinos incluidos (dos bodegas). • guías y anfitriones. • Recogida en el hotel disponible. • Las mejores bodegas. • Visita de California • Excelentes vistas de la hermosa Sonoma.
Aqua Vera cuenta con amplias zonas verdes donde podrás descansar bajo la agradable sombra de los pinos y zona de hamacas para estar al lado de las piscinas, tumbados bajo las sombrillas. Puedes disfrutar de tu propia comida, pero también disponemos de self service y bares (La Terraza y Splash) donde reponer fuerzas con pizzas, baguettes, chapatas, hamburguesa gourmet, crispy chicken, burritos, etc. y diferentes platos elaborados en nuestras instalaciones y degustarlos en las terrazas. Y un espacio nuevo y relajante, nuestro Chill & Gota, cerca de piscina Lago, música relajante, ambiente tranquilo y distendido, para degustar un mojito, batido, copa, granizado o lo que más te apetezca en ese momento. Tu seguridad es muy importante para nosotros. Por ello, nuestro personal y nuestro equipo de socorrismo están preparados para ayudarte en todo momento. Además contamos con un equipo de primeros auxilios, formado por un médico y un enfermero que permanecen disponibles en el parque durante todo el día y toda la temporada, así como un control sanitario del agua y de todas las instalaciones.
Madame Tussauds Sydney Down Under at Madame Tussauds Sydney you can say "G'Day" to Aussie stars and meet iconic legends who call Australia home. Without realising, you’ll throw yourself in the history of our beautiful sunburnt country as you rub shoulders with the fair-dinkum people who helped shape our laidback land. Meet past Australian Prime Ministers Bob Hawke, Julia Gillard and John Howard and celebrate Australia’s sporting greats including Mark Webber, Ian Thorpe, Rob Laver and Sir. Donald Bradman. Sing your heart out with Australian pop icon Delta Goodrem and music greats Jimmy Barnes, Olivia Newton-John and Michael Hutchence. Take a trip to Summer Bay and Ramsay Street to meet Alf Stewart and Ian Smith before stepping on the set of the “Crocodile Hunter” with great conservationist and family man Steve Irwin. Hit the catwalk with Elle Macpherson and Miranda Kerr before meeting A-List stars Nicole Kidman and Kylie Minogue. This is only the beginning of the Aussie legends and international stars you’ll meet at Madame Tussauds Sydney. Embrace the Spirit of Australia and book a trip to Madame Tussauds Sydney today! SEA LIFE Sydney Aquarium EXPERIENCE SHARK REEF SNORKEL SEA LIFE Sydney Aquarium's brand new, one-of-a-kind experience will bring guests face-to-fin with some of the ocean's most amazing creatures, including various reef sharks, sawfish and an array of tropical fish that call the Great Barrier Reef home. A thrilling and fully immersive underwater adventure, participants will be submerged in a safe and see-through enclosure as fascinating creatures like the Maori Wrasse and White-Tip Reef Shark swim just metres away. With no diving experience required this ultimate reef adventure can be enjoyed individually or with the entire family! As Sydney's leading family and tourist attraction, SEA LIFE Sydney Aquarium offers entertainment for young and old alike. WILD LIFE Sydney Zoo Find yourself on an amazing animal adventure as you journey into Australia's most famous locations. Walk through iconic Aussie habitats and encounter some of the most loved and feared animals that call Australia home. Meet Rex, the huge 5 metre crocodile in Kakadu Gorge, see creatures of the night in the Nightfall habitat, cuddle up to koalas at Koala Encounters and much, much more - there's so much to see and do! WILD LIFE Sydney Zoo features interactive displays, inspiring and entertaining daily shows, captivating daily feeding sessions and enhanced walk-through habitats including Koala Encounters, Kangaroo Walk-About, and Butterfly Tropics. WILD LIFE Sydney Zoo is Australia's most unique and best wildlife park and it's conveniently located right in the heart of Sydney on Darling Harbour. Sydney Tower Eye Don't miss the chance to see Sydney from the amazing 309 meter Sydney Tower. An iconic part of the Sydney cityscape, the Sydney Tower has a breathtaking observation deck, two levels of restaurants and a coffee lounge for you to enjoy. Included in your ticket is the incredible 4D Cinema Experience at the Sydney Tower Eye. You will see Sydney through a whole new perspective with spectacular footage transporting you across Sydney Harbour, its famous coastline, iconic landmarks and events that are integral to the city. The engaging film experience is taken to the fourth dimension with evocative in-theatre effects including wind, bubbles and fire - a perfect way to get to know the inspiring city of Sydney.