These Forgefix traditional slotted, single thread Wood Screws have countersunk heads and can be used in many internal and external applications. They have a solid brass construction to avoid corrosion. APPLICATION:Used for both decorative and in applications where the screw may come in to contact with the elements avoiding corrosion.Can be used with all manner of wall plugs. Slotted screw driver required. With Slotted screwdrivers it is important to ensure that the tip matches the width of the screw slot, otherwise you run the risk of damaging the screw head. Slotted screwdrivers are available with either Flared or Parallel tips. For the majority of uses the Flared tip is ideal but if the screw needs to be driven below the material surface a Parallel tip screwdriver should be used. Countersunk heads are designed to sink flush with substrates to leave a smooth surface finish. The single threads have been designed to offer higher pull out values and quicker insertion.Wood Screw Slotted Countersunk Solid Brass 5/8 x 4 Box 200
6 Zauberfolien "Osterwiese" in 3 verschiedenen Designs, jede Folien-Hülle ca. 9 cm hoch, extrastark, passend für Kugeln mit 10 cm Durchmesser.
The Dormer P807 Solid Carbide Bright Rotary Burr with ball nose geometry for skip flute grinding and increased strength at the centre. With a reduced chance of swarf congestion and improved cutting action closer to the centre. Produces double cuts, making it first choice for general machining. With a improved ease of control, increased metal removal rate and breaks swarf into manageable pieces. They have toughened and hardened steel shanks that provide rigidity and strength. This prevents bending and reduces vibrations for an improved tool life. Ground to h6 (Carbide) and h7 (Steel). Excellent impact strength that is able to withstand high forces and to withstand higher temperature without failing. Special brazing elements provide excellent braze strength.The Dormer Solid Carbide Bright Rotary Burr Ball has the following specification: Diameter: 3mm.Shank Diamter: 3mm.Working Length: 2.5mm.Overall Length: 38mm.
Kristallkunst aus Kunststoff, Blüten-Bordüre 2, selbstklebend, Bogengröße: 10 cm x 30 cm, klar irisierend. Größe einer Bordüre: ca. 1,5 cm x 29,3 cm. Die Bordüren bestehen aus funkelnden Kristallen auf durchgängigen Klebeflächen. Sie sind selbstklebend, sodass Sie sie vorsichtig zusammen mit der Klebefolie von den Bogen abziehen und auf den gewünschten Untergrund aufkleben können. Die Kristallk...
Hochwertige Laser-Kunststoff-Schablone zur Gestaltung von Textilien, DIN A3. Motiv: Schlanke Linie / Schwung-Design Anleitung: - Die Schablone auf der Rückseite mit Haftspray einsprühen und auf einem Textil Ihrer Wahl platzieren. So verrutscht die Schablone bei der Arbeit nicht und die Farbe wandert nicht unter den Kunststoff. - Die Textilfarbe mit einem Stupf-Pinsel oder Spachtel auftragen. Hi...