6 Zauberfolien "Weihnachts-Tiere" in 3 verschiedenen Designs, jede Folien-Hülle ca. 9 cm hoch, extrastark, passend für Kugeln und andere Gegenstände mit 10 cm Durchmesser.
Fuerza de saxofón para saxofón de saxofón tenor Classic Bb para principiantes, 10 unidades / caja
Design-Schablone für eine Kreuz-Grußkarte, DIN A4.
These Forgefix Round Head Nails are multi-purpose nails, for use with both soft and hard timber materials. They are galvanised for increased durability.Available in standard sizes, from 25mm to 150mm. APPLICATION:These nails are the most popular type of nail, used in many joinery and construction applications. Galvanisation is process of applying a protective zinc coating to steel in order to prevent rusting. Zinc coatings prevent corrosion of the protected metal by forming a physical barrier, and by acting as a sacrificial anode even if this barrier is damaged.Round Head Nail Galvanised Finish 100mm Bag of 2.5kg
Respirador portátil Alcoholímetro Probador de alcohol alcoholímetro profesional profesional con 5pcs boquillas transparentes AT2600
Juego de herramientas Luthier de acero inoxidable Lijadora de acero inoxidable con cortador plano de dedos de 8 mm