Genre:Non spécifié; Mouvement:Quartz Japonais; Type:Montre Tendance; Matériau de l'étui:Acier; Matériel de bande:Cuir; Couleur de bande:Marron; Emballage:Splendide Boîte à Cadeaux; Quantité Minimale de Commande:1
Star in your very own novel as your name is printed into a classic story. Choose your story from Alice in Wonderland, Pride and Prejudice, Robin Hood, Romeo and Juliet or the Wizard of Oz.
Award your Dadm the title of Best Dad Ever with this unique personalised t-shirt printed with our design and his children's names printed underneath the design. A great gift idea for Dad's birthday or Father's day and a tshirt he's sure to wear with pride.