Trip style: Local LIfe & Culture, History & Heritage Language Tour: English Full Itinerary Give Detroit the attention it deserves on this Detroit walking tour that shows you everything you absolutely need to see in this awesome American city. Meet your local guide at a cafe on Broadway, and take a walk around the nearby area which includes spots such as Foxtown, Madison Avenue, and Paradise Valley. You'll see the fabulous Fox Theater, Comerica Park (which is home of the Detroit Tigers) the beautiful Detroit Opera House, and several other Detroit highlights - the perfect way to familiarise yourself with the city. Next on your Detroit city tour, take a quick ride over to the popular Greektown district on the elevated train called the 'People Mover'. In Greektown, you can taste a super-sweet piece of baklava, see a casino, or visit a historic church that was a stop on the Underground Railroad. Hopefully during our time in Greektown you'll get to see a waiter light some liquor on fire over a piece of cheese, a classic Greek tradition. Opa! Another ride on the People Mover leads to a stop in the Civic Center area. Here you will see some famous Detroit sculptures, and have a view of the massive Renaissance Center, home to the tallest hotel in the Western Hemisphere. You'll also be able to give our friends in Canada a wave from here! Next on this Detroit tour, we visit the 1929 art-deco Guardian Building to see the remarkably-beautiful lobby and banking room. It cannot be denied that this is one of the most beautiful buildings in Detroit, and may even be one of the most gorgeous you see on your travels in the US - seriously! Walk by another landmark, the 47-story Penobscot Building, to American and Lafayette Coney Island restaurants, where you can try a free 'coney dog' - a grilled hot dog with Detroit-style chili, mustard and onions. Detroiters have been devouring them for more than 90 years, so to get into the local spirit we suggest that you give it a go! Our last stop on this Detroit walking tour by seeing a famous renovated hotel which originally opened in 1924, and then we'll finish up with a ride on the People Mover back to Broadway.
JA, ABER WIE FUNKTIONIERT DAS? Der Besuch im Amsterdam Dungeon ist ein absolutes Muss in Amsterdam. Es ist eine 80-minütige Reise in die düsterste Vergangenheit Amsterdams. Sie werden den Dungeon, das „Verlies“, in einer Gruppe von maximal 30 Personen betreten und in die Gewölbe des Amsterdam Dungeon hinabsteigen, wo Sie alle Shows genießen können. Alle 10 bis 15 Minuten startet eine neue Tour. WAS WERDEN SIE ERLEBEN? Sie sind besser und mutiger als je zuvor. Sie sind der Amsterdam Dungeon! Erfreuen Sie sich an 11 Shows, 7 Schauspieler und 500 Jahre Geschichte in einem einzigartigen Erlebnis. Sind Sie Manns oder Frau genug? Es gibt neue und aktualisierte Shows. Lachen und kreischen Sie beim Anblick unserer brennenden Hexen. Sehen Sie, riechen Sie, hören Sie und haben Sie Angst, viel Angst… Treffen Sie auf unsere professionellen Theaterdarsteller, die schaurige Figuren von unserem (nicht ganz so) gerechten Richter bis hin zum furchteinflößenden Foltermeister darstellen. Unterwegs erwarten Sie viele Überraschungen - garantiert ein Erlebnis zum Lachen und Kreischen zugleich.
Box Lunch Including: Turkey wrap, Chips, Apple and a Bottle of Water. Also available: Vegetarian and Gluten free lunches (72 hour notice required). Three hours are spent exploring 12-miles of history, beauty and wonder as you glide through the Black Canyon National Water Trail, with walls that in some places tower 2,000 feet above the river’s edge. Experience the waterfalls, hot springs and other geological wonders, the Desert Big Horn sheep, Osprey, Great Blue Heron and so much more. This trip is fully narrated by experienced, knowledgeable guides who offer incredible knowledge of the history of the Hoover Dam and the Black Canyon National Water trail. Lunch is included in a take-home, insulated souvenir bag. A refreshing stop along the way at a side beach will give you the opportunity to stretch your legs and to swim or play in the cool clear water of the Colorado River. Your tour will end at the Willow Beach Marina in the scenic Mohave desert of Arizona, where you will board your shuttle back to where you started from. ~Don’t Forget Your Camera~
En las Bodegas Jean Leon realizarás una visita guiada y una degustación de vinos. Según la temporada, también podrás probar el mosto envejecido en bota e incluso la uva directamente de la vid. En esta bodega también te explicarán algunas curiosidades sobre su fundador, Jean Leon, que fue amigo y confidente de muchas estrellas de Hollywood, además de pionero en el estado en la plantación de variedades como el Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc, Merlot y Chardonnay. En las Bodegas Torres, además de la visita guiada por las cavas, te invitarán a realizar un maridaje de tres vinos y tres quesos típicos catalanes. Tendrás la oportunidad de conocer y saborear los productos de una bodega asentada en el Penedés desde hace tres siglos. Desde entonces, el apellido Torres está ligado al vino. Hoy cuenta con más de 1300 hectáreas de viñas propias y está presente en más de 140 países del mundo. En las Cavas Freixenet disfrutarás de una visita guiada por las cavas y también podrás degustar su cava haciendo un aperitivo con productos típicos del Penedés, la zona vitivinícola por excelencia del país. Conocerás de primera mano la historia de esta empresa familiar, que comenzó en el negocio del cava a principios del siglo XX y que hoy cuenta con más de 18 bodegas en 7 países de 3 continentes. ¿Preparado para descubrir y saborear el Penedés?
River Thames Sightseeing Cruise As the River Thames snakes its way through London there is history at every bend. You can see and experience the River Thames Sights from the relaxed comfort of this hop on and hop off all day River Red Rover Cruise. You can hop on and off at Westminster Pier, Waterloo Pier, Tower Pier and Greenwich Pier.