Le Guarana de l espece Paullinia Cupana est une plante bien connue des amerindiens. Les chamanes l utilisent depuis des centaines d annees. Lesgelules Guarana bio 90 gelules de chez Nat et Formsont exclusivement constituees a partir de produits naturels et biologiques. Elles prennent ainsi soin de votre sante, tout comme de notre planete. Le guarana est mondialement repute pour : - etre un stimulant et un energisant naturel - diminuer les maux de tete - aider a la perte de poids, en brulant les graisses - proteger le foie - avoir des effets diuretiques En cas de fatigue passagere, dans le cadre d un regime ou d autres problemes precedemment cites, lesgelules de Guarana biosont faites pour vous. Principales caracteristiques : Poids :0.059kg Etiquette en francais Conseils d utilisation : Prendre quatre gelules a differents moments de la journee, a avaler avec un grand verre d eau.
Produkteigenschaften: Haut mit Psoriasis / Schuppenflechte, welche Plaques und Schuppen aufweist. ISO-UREA MD Baume Psoriasis beantwortet die spezifischen Bedürfnisse der Haut bei Schuppenflechte...
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Aquacel Ag Hydrofiber Dressing 5cm x 5cm(S7505AG)Aquacel Ag Hydrofiber Dressings are ideal for wounds that are infected or at high risk from infections such as MRSA. This versatile primary dressing combines the unique gelling action of Hydrofiber Technology with the broad-spectrum antimicrobial properties of ionic silver (1.2% w/w) for moderately and highly exuding chronic and acute wounds such as:Partial thickness (second-degree) burns.Diabetic foot ulcers, leg ulcers and pressure ulcers.Surgical wounds.Traumatic wounds.Wounds that are prone to bleeding.Oncology wounds.Donor and recipient graft sites.The dressing fibres of Aquacel Ag gel on contact with wound fluid, swelling as they lock exudate away from the wound, where the ionic silver kills the pathogens that can cause infection, including MRSA, VRE and Pseudomonas aeruginosa.Aquacel Ag Hydrofiber Dressings are free from latex. Each pack contains 10 dressings that are 5cm x 5cm in size.Clinical BenefitsSupports moist wound healing environment.Contains ionic silver which can kill a broad spectrum of wound pathogens that can cause infection - including MRSA, VRE and Pseudomonas aeruginosa.Absorbs and retains higher levels of exudate than most alginates and gauze.Reduces maceration by locking exudate into its fibres and away from the skin.Cohesive gel allows easy, atraumatic removal.Soft and conformable allowing intimate contact with the wound surface. This reduces "dead space" where bacteria may reside.