Ukulele Xiaomi Populele 2 Global 23 Pulgadas Ukulele LED Inteligente
Herramienta de medición retractable profesional de la cinta métrica de la cinta métrica abierta del carrete
The Kew Nilfisk Alto Click & Clean Compact Patio Cleaner comes complete with two jet nozzles fitted to a spinning bar on the underside of the patio head. It is able to clean large areas such as drives, patios, paths and decks quickly and efficiently.
Alta Calidad Ligero Practica Trombone Mute Recto Silenciador Sourdine Material ABS para Alto Ténor Trombones
This robust mains powered jigsaw is perfect for site or workshop use. The soft grip handles and anti-splintering device means that you can use the jigsaw for extended periods with minimal discomfort. The Makita 4350CT Orbital Action Jigsaw features a quick release, tool-less blade change enabling you to continue work with a minimum of disruption. Variable speed control and an adjustable, sturdy base increase accuracy and control when cutting. The double insulated cable and robust all-metal gearbox means that this jigsaw should give you years of problem-free use.
Farbiges Wachsornament Plakette "Gratulation", ca. 8 x 5 cm, geprägt. Mit unseren Wachsornamenten können Sie ganz einfach Kerzen selbst gestalten oder verzieren. Dazu das Wachsornament mit Handwärme auf einem Kerzenrohling oder anderen Wachsuntergründen, wie z.B. unseren Wachsplatten, platzieren. Für eine besonders starke Haftung empfehlen wir Wachs-Haftis.