Aplicación:Cuerpo Completo; Tipo:Eléctrico; Tipo de Mensaje:Infrarrojo; Característica Principal:Visualización LCD; Fuente de Poder:Batería; Dimensiones (cm) (Longitud × Ancho × Altura):15 X 5 x 3.5; Peso neto (kg):0.12
Le zinc est bien connu pour ses proprietes cicatrisantes et anti-inflammatoires. Quant au cuivre, cet oligo-element indispensable a la vie intervient dans la fonction immunitaire et permet de reduire le stress oxydatif.Ces deux elements sont utilises depuis l Antiquite pour leurs proprietes anti-bacteriennes. Ne contenant aucun conservateur et ne depassant jamais la Dose Journaliere Maximale (DJM), le Zinc Cuivre ionise des laboratoires Catalyonss avere ideal pour lutter contre les troubles fonctionnels de la puberte, de la menopause et les syndromes pre-menstruels. En agissant sur le stockage des graisses, le melange zinc et cuivre permet aussi de combattre efficacement la prise de poids pendant ces periodes a risque. Vous oublierez ainsitout desagrement lie aux syndromes endocriniens. Principales caracteristiques : Poids :0.
Please read the baby's description and relevant instructions carefully before taking another picture. The buyer shall be deemed to have agreed to all relevant information the and characte. Order the corresponding color card numberThe best-selling products will be delivered within 24 hours, except special products and customized products. We default to send Shentong expres. About color difference Due to the color difference of the light, light color temperature and photos. and the color deviation of the display, there may be a slight color difference between. Please read the above information carefully before purchase to avoid unnecessary misunderstanding. We hope to bring you a happy shopping experience with quality products and services! Welcome to our store and you a happy shopping. Our product reputation is guaranteed, all pictures are taken in kind, please rest assured to buy.
Credit guarantee that all pictures in-kind shooting, please rest assured to buy. As the shooting light, angle and color displays, physical and photos maybe some differences! Kind prevail.
Diese Monatslinse, ist eine Austauschlinse für Nah- und Fernsicht, Dies ermöglicht gutes Sehen in allen Entfernungen durch den Multi-Additionseffekt. Kontaktlinsen für linkes und rechtes Auge bitte separat im Warenkorb ablegen. Hersteller:  Ciba Vision    Verpackungseinheit:  6 Stück Dioptrien (SPH):         +4,0 bis - 6,0 Radius (BC):   8,6 / 8,9 Durchmesser (DIA)  14,0 Wassergehalt:  55% Tragedauer:  1 Monat   Mit Ihrer Bestellung bestätigen Sie, bereits Kontaktlinsen zu tragen. Die bestellten Kontaktlinsen wurden Ihnen von einem Augenarzt bzw. Kontaktlinsenspezialisten im Vorfeld angepasst. Lassen Sie Ihre Augen regelmäßig untersuchen, um gesundheitliche Schäden zu vermeiden. Wir übernehmen keine Haftung für falsche Anwendung und Handhabung der bestellten Kontaktlinsen.
Tee2 Blood Glucose MeterTee2 Blood Glucose Meter is ideal for people with uncomplicated type 2 diabetes, including those on insulin, and is accurate to the latest standards while still being affordable.Tee2 Blood Glucose Meter has a three step test process and requires no coding making it quick and easy to use with results in just 5 seconds. It has a large, easy to read screen where you can view the last 500 results, or the results can be downloaded on to a computer.