Diamètre intérieur [mm]: 106; Diamètre extérieur [mm]: 120; Hauteur [mm]: 5; Nº de châssis à partir de: JSAERC11S00200001; FIAT: SEDICI; SUZUKI: SWIFT III MZ, EZ,SX4 EY, GY,IGNIS II,LIANA Fastback,LIANA ER,KIZASHI FR; 1418170H00, 1418170H00000
Largeur [mm]: 131,9; Hauteur [mm]: 64; Épaisseur [mm]: 15,6; Indicateur d'usure: non préparé pour indicateur d'usure; numéro WVA: 24851; Numéro d'information technique: T1790; Unité quantitative: Set d'essieu; Côté d'assemblage: Hinterachse; PEUGEOT: 308 II,RCZ,308 SW II; JAGUAR: XK Coupé QQ6_, _J43_,XK Descapotable _J43_; C2P15994, 1610696480; Jeu De Plaquettes De Frein,Jeu de plaquettes de frein, frein à disque
Flexible Stainless 350 Transmisión Dipstick TH350 Tranny SBC BBC Trans para Chevy para GM
Great value charger that charges AA and AAA and ALSO 9V (PP3) size rechargeable batteries. Suitable for NiMH (Nickel Metal Hydride) or NiCD (Nickel Cadmium) rechargeable batteries - Please do not try to recharge non-rechargeable / alkaline or zinc-carbon batteries. This battery charger will charge all brands good quality rechargeable batteries.Compact sized mains powered battery charger with a built-in UK 3 Pin plug. Automatic short circuit and reverse polarity protection plus overcharge protection. Simple and very easy to use, safe and reliable too!Accepts 100 to 240volt input so can be used for Worldwide travel. Red LED lights confirm that charging has started and stopped. LED charging lights offer quick and easy confirmation that the unit is charging the battery. Charge 2 or 4 batteries at a time. An easy to use, quality compact charger. The charger is a timer based charger, and will automatically turn itself off after 9.5 hours.A Guide to Charging Times,Charging times will depend on the charge-state of the batteries when inserted and their mAh capacity Charge rate is 200mA so a fully depleted 2000mah battery will take several hours to charge fully. Idealy charge your batteries overnight. Ni-MH batteries are memory free and so can be charged at any time and even a few hours will be of benfit.
BSIDE 9999 Counts Multimètre intelligent Multimètre numérique à valeur efficace vraie Mesure de la résistance de tension CA / CC Fréquence avec EBTN Affichage LCD Affichage de la résistance du mesureur de tension CC / CA Capacité et testeur de diodes
Mory DSO5102P Oscilloscope à mémoire numérique certifié 2CH 100MHz 1 g 7" TFT 8 bits 4nS/div-80 s/div