SouvenaidSouvenaid is an innovative nutritional supplement for the dietary management of early Alzheimer's disease, containing a unique combination of nutrients at levels difficult to achieve from diet alone.Souvenaid can be taken alone or in combination with standard drug therapy for Alzheimer's disease; no drug interactions were seen in clinical trials.Souvenaid is lactose and gluten free, however, do not take if you are allergic to fish, soy or milk. It is not suitable for patients with galactosaemia.Souvenaid is available in strawberry and vanilla flavours - simply choose from the drop down above.How does Souvenaid work?People living with early Alzheimer's disease have been shown to have relatively low levels of a range of nutrients in their bodies despite eating a normal diet.These nutrients are required in the process of making new connections in the brain called synapses.Omega 3 fatty acids, uridine monophosphate and choline, together with several key vitamins, all work together to help this process.The loss of synapses is one of the key features of early Alzheimer's disease.DirectionsSouvenaid is ready to drink - simply drink one bottle per day. It is best served chilled but does can be stored at room temperature.Souvenaid is specially formulated to be a low volume drink as it recommended that the entire bottle is consumed at once to ensure that the correct amount is taken each day. However, if the bottle is not finished, you can close the lid and keep in the fridge for up to 24 hours from opening.It may help to take Souvenaid at the same time each day, as this should make it easier to remember to take it every day as it will become a habit. If the person taking Souvenaid does forget to take it at the usual time, they should just drink it when they remember or are reminded.Souvenaid is a food for special medical purposes for the dietary management of early Alzheimer's disease. Souvenaid must be used under medical supervision. You must seek advice from your doctor, specialist nurse or pharmacist if you are unsure of your condition or diagnosis or if you would like to use Souvenaid.
Optimised formulation to combat water retention Facilitates circulation in blood vessels. Combines natural substances studied for their role in draining fluid from the body. Used for regaining a firmer figure.
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Flavo-C Serum Flacon compte-gouttes 15ml Auriga est un serum reparateur pour le visage et le cou, a la vitamine C. Flavo C Serum 15ml Auriga, quicontient 8 % de vitamine C, est specialement concu pour utiliser au maximum le pouvoir antioxydant de la vitamine C. Penetre idealement la peau pour atteindre la membrane cellulaire et possede un pouvoir photoprotecteur. Les effets stimulants de la vitamine C engendrent unenouvelle formation des fibres de collagene et d elastine qui donneront un effet tonique au niveau de la peau. Flavo-C Serum reveille les fonctions cellulaires endormies par les annees de surexposition solaire. Il harmonise egalement le teint de la peau. La presence des flavonoides de l extrait de Ginkgo Biloba stimule la synthese du collagene et d elastine. Il renforce egalement la paroi des capillaires entrainant une diminution de la tendance aux rougeurs.
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